Trusting the Message

I Ching Coins

This post is a rather personal one for me.  It has to do with taking my own advice, which I always strive to do.  I value authenticity so walking my talk is essential to me.

Those who know me know that yoga is very important to me.  Through yoga I opened up to my true self and found strength and courage to live my truth and pursue my dreams.  It is what led me to Chinese Metaphysics which is my passion and calling.

For a few years now I have wanted to deepen my practice by taking yoga teacher training.  I had applied and been accepted to a couple of programs.  However, as I do for all important decisions, I consulted my metaphysical tools for guidance, namely the I Ching and Qi Men Dun Jia, to hear from the universe whether or not this was a course of action that was in my highest and best good.

Sometimes, we don’t like hearing the messages we get.

I got a very clear NO about pursuing this yoga teacher training – I hated it but I listened and did not proceed.  I trusted the system that I use, I took the advice I would give a client.  I had complete faith in the message – which is not always easy to do.

In moments of disappointment it is hard to understand why something is not meant for us or why the timing isn’t right, but in my experience the reasons why always become clear in time.

This week while in London, I finally learned the reason why that particular training program was not meant to be for me. The confirmation was almost a year in coming but it was so was reassuring. I am so grateful to have powerful tools to help me listen to what the universe is trying to tell me and the skill in metaphysics to hear the message clearly.  I am so glad I had faith in the message because what the universe had in store was so much better than what I had planned.

Does this mean I have given up on yoga teacher training?  No, I think the message isn’t no but not yet.  In the meantime, I will wait to hear what the universe has to say because divine timing is always best.

Qi Men Dun Jia Chart