Horse Month Forecast



Horse Month is Galloping In!  

Wood Horse Month  June 5 – July 6

If  this horse image looks familiar that’s because it was featured in my Wood Horse Year Forecast for 2014.  This Wood Horse month you may find yourself revisiting some of the same themes you dealt with in 2014.  Maybe this time when these issues or items from the past resurface you can conquer them or find resolution.  Maybe you will find that you have grown since then and those issues don’t have the same power over you that they once did.  Whatever 2014 brought keep an eye out because you may have a sense of deja vu this month.

This month starts with the 2 week “season” called, “Planting of Thorny Crops” and ends with the season called “Summer Solstice”.  This is the month when we reach the height of summer, the peak of the Fire Season and maximum Yang energy.  However, as Confucius says “When the sun reaches its height, declining begins“.  From the solstice on June 21 the daylight will grow shorter and we will enter the Yin part of the year as Yang is descending and Yin energy is ascending.

Unlike many of the previous months and the current year, the Wood Horse month does not have any conflicts between the elements of the month.  The wood stem feeds the fire below, so hopefully there will be a less volatility and instability.  The horse is also an animal of travel so you may be inspired to get out there and see the sights.

The Hexagram for this month is #1 Qian or Heaven.  Like the Horse month, this hexagram represents maximum Yang energy and is one of the most auspicious hexagrams of the I Ching.  Another name for this hexagram is Initiating as it represents the creative energy needed to begin new things or bring ideas into being.  It is a hexagram of action and doing.  If you have been procrastinating or holding back on something then this is a great month to get moving and put your plans into action.  This is a month for moving, motion and taking definite steps toward your goals as you will have tremendous energy to propel you forward.

The hexagram for the year is #40 Relief , and this month the best way to find relief comes from taking action, moving forward and becoming the change we want to see in the world. If you don’t like where you are then move, you are not a tree.  If you are not sure of your goals or where you want to go then you can get relief from simply moving, get out and explore, get a change of scenery or take a vacation.  Whatever you do don’t sit and stagnate this month.

Important Dates

Rat People: this is your clash month so use caution, especially on Horse days which are June 5, 17, & 29.  Let the rat race do with one less rat or if you chose to run just take care not to be run over.

Here are the days that are generally inauspicious for everyone, these are days to use caution and not good for important events or activities.

Month Breaker:  June  11 & 23, a day of caution for all. (Clash to Horse people)
Year Breaker:  June 1, 13,& 25, use caution in general.  (Clash to Monkey people)

These are the days that are generally lucky for everyone, except those who clash with it, and great days to plan important activities.

Success Days: June 13 & 25 while Success days generally bring good outcomes, this month they could be a bit of a mixed bag as these days are also the year breaker. These days may be good for small achievements but important activities are better left for another time or planned with the assistance of a date selection professional.  (Clash to Monkey year people)
Remove Days: 
 June 6, 18 & 30th A good day to let go of what no longer serves you and to remove obstacles. As always these are great days to do some de-cluttering, weeding or getting rid of people who make you unhappy – bad boyfriends and girlfriends beware! (Clash to Ox people)
Initiate Days:  June 10 & 22. Especially potent in this yang energy month, Initiate days are good for starting new things and beginning new projects. (Clash to Snake people)

*Don’t know what animals are in your chart?  Contact me for a personalized astrological chart reading!

Feng Shui 

In General:  The overall picture with flying stars is not stellar this month so my recommendation is to spend as much time outside as possible.  Take advantage of the warm weather and fresh air, explore the Feng Shui of your external environment which after all has the greatest impact on our homes.

Southeast:  This sector is quite positive all year and the combination of month and yearly stars here re-inforce that positive energy.  If you are trying to initiate a plan to increase in rank and pay or even to study then this is a great place to take action from.

West: This sector has both peach blossom and academic stars for the year, and this month both will get a boost from the annual and monthly stars.  If your goal is learning or making connections with people, especially those of the opposite sex, then this is the are of your home to spend as much time as possible this month.