Month of the Water Tiger, A New Year Begins

February 4 – March 5

In the early morning Tiger hour on Friday February 4, we will officially enter the Water Tiger month and the Water Tiger year. Yes, we are entering this Water Tiger year with a bang so to speak in a similar to the way we ended the Metal Ox year which is with a ‘Fu Yin’ or double pillar. Like the end of the Ox year this new year will begin with an intensification of energy, a roar if you will.

The two main elements of the Water Tiger pillar are Yang Water which is like a powerful ocean, and Yang Wood which is like a tall strong tree. Water and Wood together have an academic and creative alchemy, doubled up it could be a powerful month of creative energy. However when the immense power of ocean water is doubled up it may be more like a tidal wave, specifically in the emotional department. This is a good month and year to channel our emotions into creative expression even journaling is a good outlet for those who don’t feel particularly artsy. Transforming emotional energy into a consistent spiritual practice can also bring great benefits and allow us to surf the waves this year.

I read a quote recently which basically said folks we have been living in survival mode for the last two years, enduring the stress of these challenging times, and we need to cut others and most importantly ourselves some slack.  This may well be the month and year when many can no longer keep those emotions in check so it is important to be gentle and have more patience with one another this month and throughout the year.

The hexagram for this month and year is #13 Fellowship, which is about connections, forging alliances, collegiality, and fostering union with others. After two years of distancing ourselves from each other and missing out on opportunities to be together the message of the Fellowship hexagram comes as a most welcome sign. This month and year ahead make time to cultivate the relationships that make life worth living. Check in on one another to offer support and comfort. It won’t be an easy year but if we lean on each other and remember to make time for fun and fellowship it will certainly be a lot brighter.

For me this year fellowship means connecting to a new group of colleagues and those seeking growth and transformation at Kripalu where I am honored to join the faculty to teach Chinese Metaphysics workshops for the R&R program. For those who wish to join me there and find fellowship with this wonderful community be sure to book an R&R retreat – I hope to see you there!

My annual online workshop, Feng Shui and Astrology for the Water Tiger Year which will take place on Tuesday, February 1 at 6:00 pm EST via Zoom and there is still time to sign up! We will explore the energy of the year, what it means for key industries and our economy. We will also explore the Feng Shui energy map for the year which each participant will receive a PDF handout to apply to their own spaces. Most importantly, we will look at how the year’s energy will impact you based on your personal astrology chart. 
For those unable to attend at that time a re-play will available to view on demand for a limited time. To register please visit:
For those who wish to receive an in-depth and personalized outlook for the coming year, I am now booking one-on-one annual Feng Shui and Astrology review sessions for the Year of the Tiger to prepare you for what the new year has in store for your personally and how to make the most of it. To schedule your session please contact me by email at beth@bethgraceconsulting to reserve your session or to book directly please visit: