Month of the Metal Ox

Happy 2022! We have entered a new year and have one more month of the Ox year before we officially enter the Water Tiger year.

This final month of of the Metal Ox year is also a Metal Ox month which means the energy of this year will be intensified. The themes and lessons we have been working on all year will reach a climax and now is the time to complete our lessons and to finalize what we have been focused upon so that we can turn our gaze to new the new opportunities that lie ahead.

The image of the Metal Ox is that of precious metal being unearthed like a buried treasure. This month is the best month of the year to dig up the precious jewels within us to mine for those things we wish to polish and allow to shine in the coming year. It is also an ideal month to dig up things from the past we have buried inside of us, or perhaps even buried in our closets, to evaluate them and decide what we want to keep and cleanse, and what we want to release our attachments to. Next year will be a swift moving year and we will be more agile and nimble and able to navigate these tides if we are not weighed down with heaviness of the past.

The hexagram for this month and the year is #36 Darkening of the Light, which signifies dark times when things seem bleak with no light visible at the end of the tunnel. As the pandemic drags on intensifies this month we may wonder if the light will ever return. This hexagram illustrates that we are now living in the darkness before the dawn but as the I Ching reminds us when things reach their extreme they must change to their opposite. Like the winter solstice, when days reach their darkest the light is closest to its return. This month things will feel dark and bleak certainly, but we can be assured that this too shall pass and the light will always return in due course. The Tiger Zodiac sign is the birth of fire and does herald the return of the light so we can look forward to that.

If you wish to know what the Year of the Tiger holds in store for us all and for you personally, I am happy to announce that I will again offer an online workshop, Feng Shui and Astrology for the Water Tiger year which will take place on Tuesday, February 1 at 6:00 pm EST via Zoom. For those unable to attend at that time a re-play will available to view on demand for a limited time. To register please visit:

For those who wish to receive an in-depth and personalized outlook for the coming year,I am now booking one-on-one annual Feng Shui and Astrology review sessions for the Year of the Tiger to prepare you for what the new year has in store for your personally and how to make the most of it. To schedule your session please contact me by email at beth@bethgraceconsulting to reserve your session or to book directly please visit: