Feng Shui & Front Doors

Today’s Feng Shui Friday: Front Doors

I was asked recently by a client if Orange was a good color to paint her main door and was that a good color for that sector. My answer was if you really like orange then you should paint it orange. 

You see, color has a very small impact on the energy of a main door or entryway; about 2-3%. What largely determines the energy coming in through the main door is far less about color and objects, and much more about the energy received from the external environment, and the unseen energy that we assess with Feng Shui formulas. 

When it comes to your Front Door here  
are the most important questions to ask to find out what kind of Qi is coming into your home or office building:
* What external features are outside and interacting with your main door?
* What 8 Mansions sector is the main door located in?
* What 24 Mountains sector is the main door located in?
* What is the facing direction of the door based on a magnetic compass reading?
* What is the Flying Star energy at your main door?
* What is the Annual Flying Star energy at your main door?

These factors are the larger determining factor to understand what kind of Qi you are inviting in through your front door, most of which you can’t see just by looking. 

So, don’t focus so much on using colors to impact the energy – choose what makes you happy. If you want to enhance the energy at your Front Door ask a professional to help you see the unseen energy and learn what can do to maximize the potential of your Front Door.