Month of the Earth Pig

Earth Pig Month November 7 – December 6  I have just attended my teacher Joey Yap’s annual seminar for the upcoming Fire Rooster year in New York this past weekend.  He reiterated what I said in my Rooster month forecast which is that while we are still in the Monkey year until February 3, we are already starting to… Continue reading Month of the Earth Pig

American Academy of Metaphysics

I am so thrilled to announce the creation of the American Academy of Metaphysics, a new school for Feng Shui and Chinese Metaphysics as well as related energy practices such as Dowsing, Earth Energies and personal Qi cultivation techniques. Our first class will be a Feng Shui Studies Certificate program which I am also very pleased to announce… Continue reading American Academy of Metaphysics

The Month of the Fire Monkey

Fire Monkey Month  August 7 – September 6 The imagery of the Fire Monkey is of the sun setting in the west, of heat and daylight fading.  However, like sun glare when you are driving into the west at sunset, it can be quite intense.  Despite the heat of August, the Monkey month is actually the first month of the autumn season in the Chinese solar… Continue reading The Month of the Fire Monkey