The Month of the Earth Dog

Guardian Dog Bhaktapur Nepal

The Month of the Earth Dog: Looking Ahead

October 8 – November 6

Last month we began looking ahead by getting a taste of next year’s energy and this month we get more of the same.  The energy of the Earth Dog month is another preview, giving us an idea of what the year 2018 will be like.  The question is, will this dog’s bark be worse than its bite or could this dog become your best friend?

The Earth Dog is Yang Earth over Yang Earth with some fire and metal in the mix. The imagery for this energy is a hot, dry, mineral rich mountain, think red rocks of Sedona Arizona. However, when two mountains come together there could be friction as well, so earthquakes and other earth changes are more likely.  There has already been a great deal of seismic activity this year, particularly in California, and another large earthquake is certainly possible this month.

How the Earth Dog will affect you personally really has more to do with what element Earth is to you based on your personal BaZi chart.  For example, if Earth is your wealth element this could be a good month for you, if it is your resource element also good, if it is your output or creative element you could find yourself working harder, if it is your power element you could use this month to climb the corporate ladder, and if you yourself are Earth then you can use this month to expand your network. Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are Earth element people so they can both use these last weeks before the election to connect with voters and work their personal connections – after all most of politics is who you know right? If you don’t know your BaZi chart you can print one for free using this link:

The hexagram for this month is #15 Humility.  This is a very positive hexagram as all lines within it are in auspicious positions signifying a time when people are working together cooperatively.  It tells us that the way to achieve harmony is to have humility and to treat others with respect and dignity.  I am not better than you and you are not better than me.  The heart of this hexagram is really about leadership and tells us that a true leader is one who has cultivated humility as only then will people love and follow them.  This is such timely advice in this election season. Perhaps the reason neither candidate has really won over the hearts of the electorate is that we need a leader who embodies this virtue. This month you will find Relief from this crazy year by maintaining your humility during times of disagreement (particularly if political in nature) and find a way to agree to disagree and find some common ground.

Important Dates

Dragon People: this is your clash month so use caution in general especially on Dog days which are October 7, 19 & 31. Yes Halloween is a Double Dog day!

These are the days that are generally inauspicious for everyone, days to use caution on, and unsuitable for important events or activities.

Month Breaker: These are days with unstable energy. Caution is urged especially for Dog people as these are also your personal clash days October 13 & 25.

Year Breaker: Though not generally as volatile as Month breaker days, these are still days to use caution, especially Monkey people since these are your personal clash days and they are    October 11 & 23. 

These are the days that are generally lucky for everyone, except those who clash with it. These are great days to plan important events or activities.

Success Days: October 15 & 27 – Success days generally bring good outcomes for all endeavors except for legal activity.  (Clash to Rat people)

Remove Days:  October 8, 20 & November 1 (still Dog month) – These are good days to let go of what no longer serves you and to just let it go. Looking to leave your job or fire someone? Then this is the day for you and will ensure a nice clean break. (Clash to Snake people).

Initiate Days: October 12, 24 & November 5 (still Dog month)-  After you have successfully removed what no longer serves you, use an Initiate day to start something new or to bring something new into your life. This month Initiate days are also Rabbit days which are a heavenly combination with the Dog making these days very harmonious days to use. (Clash to Rooster people)

*Don’t know what animals are in your chart or how they may affect you? Contact me for a personalized astrological chart reading!
If you have an important event to plan it is best to have a personalized date selection analysis to ensure the best outcome. 

Feng Shui 

Central Palace: This sector has the inauspicious #2 illness star this year, and this month the visiting #3 star also brings arguments. Since this central palace radiates its energy to the entire home it is really important to keep this area as quiet as possible especially this month.

Southwest: This sector has the wealth star for the year, and this month the 9 fire star is in this sector amplifying and supporting this beneficial earth element star. This is a great sector to spend as much time as possible in to give your finances a boost.

Have a great month and Happy Halloween!