Curing the Air

As we near the Winter solstice it’s getting pretty cold here in Northern hemisphere! Now that our windows and closed and the heat is on, indoor air can become stale and excessively dry.  In fact, during winter months, the air inside your home can be drier than the desert.  Adding humidity to the air can… Continue reading Curing the Air

Feng Shui & Gray

Gray is the IT color these days.  It is the neutral of choice and the look that people want for nearly every room in the house.  Gray with Grey. In Feng Shui, gray represents Metal element whose energetic qualities are focused, discriminating, precise and organized.  It is not surprising that a monochrome, metal palate is… Continue reading Feng Shui & Gray

Spring Equinox

Today is the Vernal Equinox and the first official day of spring!  We are just two days past the full “Worm Moon” so called for the thawing ground and movement of water in the veins of the earth.  Here in New England this means singing birds and the taps on the Maple Trees. On the… Continue reading Spring Equinox

Chinoiserie Textiles

Chinoiserie is the Western tradition of using Asian design motifs and stylistic elements, especially those of China, to embellish decorative arts including textiles.  We in the West are as intrigued and fascinated with the Orient as those in the 17th century who originated the style and Chinoiserie is as popular as ever.  So, in celebration… Continue reading Chinoiserie Textiles