Spring Clearing Challenge!

Not only is it officially spring but it is starting to feel like spring too.  For many, myself included, warmer weather means opening windows and spring cleaning, a practical way to freshen the air and change the energy in your home.

Spring is a time of new beginnings and a great time to bring new things into your life. There is only one catch, do you have room for these new things?  In Feng Shui we recognize that it is necessary to literally make space in your home or office if you want new opportunities and experiences to come to you.

So, I pose to all of you a Spring Clearing Challenge: Find 9 things to remove from your space in one week.  You can work at whatever pace feels right to you. Maybe it is one thing each day with two on Saturday and two on Sunday when you have more time.  Maybe it is all 9 in one day when you feel particularly inspired.  How ever you choose to just do it!  Who knows, you may find yourself on a roll and let go of 9 more things.  The more you let go of the more space you have for wonderful new beginnings.

Not sure where to start? Here are 9 examples of items that need to go because they are not only taking up space but also creating negative energy:

– Clothing you have not worn in a year or that you feel ugly in – who cares if it was expensive or on sale, it is not worth feeling awful when you wear it.

– Shoes that you have not worn for a year or that are painful or uncomfortable (ladies you know exactly which pair of high heels I am referring to)

– Items that are broken that let’s face it you won’t or can’t repair (duct tape and super glue cannot fix everything and you are not MacGyver)

– Gifts that you have never liked but kept out of guilt, Aunt Sally would not want you feeling bad every time you look at the ceramic vase she made for you so let it go.

– Items from your past that bring up negative emotions. The old boyfriend is gone and souvenirs from the relationship that make you feel blue should be gone too.

– You have more than 1 of something when one will suffice.  You know you don’t really need 2 blenders and somewhere out there is someone with none, so pass it on.

– Papers that you no longer need to hang on to.  Other than pertinent tax or legal records you don’t need a paper copy of your utility bill from 12 years ago – Shred it!

– Dusty dried flowers or nearly dead plants – get fresh flowers and accept that you cannot revive every plant so compost it. (I am especially guilty of this one)

– Anything unloved or that does not represent who you really are now, old hobbies like roller blades you used once or supplies for your aspirations to start scrapbooking, anything that was from a phase in your past that no longer serves you – give it to someone who will love and use it.

So, roll up your sleeves and get clearing and I will see you on Freecycle or at Goodwill!