Spring Equinox

Today is the Vernal Equinox and the first official day of spring!  We are just two days past the full “Worm Moon” so called for the thawing ground and movement of water in the veins of the earth.  Here in New England this means singing birds and the taps on the Maple Trees.


On the Feng Shui Bagua map, we are moving from the Mountain gua or Ken which represents stillness into Thunder or Chen which represents new beginnings.  Thunder heralds rain storms which will nourish the new growth in this season.  We are moving from the stillness of earth element into new growth of wood element.  This type of wood element is represented by tender young shoots and seedlings.

In his book Nature Speak, Ted Andrews lists the following benefits of the Vernal Equinox:

~ Opportunity to Heal

~ New Birth and Transmutation

~ New endeavors open up

~ The spirits of Nature Become more tangible to us

~ Stimulates change and movement in our lives

Whatever ideas you were dreaming up over this very long winter now is the perfect time to set those plans into motion and give them life.  Likewise, if you have fallen off the wagon so to speak with your New Year’s resolutions or New Year intentions now is the time to dust yourself off and to begin again. You will have renewed energy and vitality to see it through.

Just be sure to take time and enjoy the beauty of the Earth as she wakes up from her slumber and blossoms.
