Rabbit Month Forecast: Welcome Spring!

Scannable DocumentMetal Rabbit Month March 5 – April 3

In the Chinese Solar calendar, the year is divided into 12 months which correspond to the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac, and each month is comprised of two “seasons”.  The first season of the Rabbit month is called “The Awakening of Worms” and the second season is called “Spring Equinox” to mark the official beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere.

In most cultures of the world, the Rabbit is the animal associated with spring and fertility and the reason for the Easter bunny who will also make an appearance at the end of this month.  In Feng Shui and Astrology, the rabbit sector corresponds to the East direction and also the direction of wood which is strongest during this season.

Rabbit month is a time of of new life as things are born and come to life again and grow.  It is a great month to take the ideas that have been gestating in your mind over the winter and use this vital spring Qi to birth them into reality.

Again, the I Ching Hexagram for the year is #40 Relief.  In the Wen order, this Hexagram follows the hexagram Hardship, it is like the sun coming out after the storm and marks the end of hardship and obstruction.  For this month it is about the end of the hardship of winter and death and the arrival of spring and re-birth. This is a wonderfully positive hexagram  that heralds the solution to problems and a deliverance from hardship as well as the alleviation of anxiety and distress. It tells us that no matter the problem there is always a solution and that despite appearances, no storm lasts forever so take heart.  

The Hexagram for this month is #61 Innermost Sincerity. Innermost Sincerity is about being sincere and acting from the heart.  If one acts with sincerity, genuineness and authenticity they are able to touch the hearts and minds of others.  Acting with sincerity can bridge the gap between people and improve communication to promote harmony and unity.  When one acts from the heart with sincerity, one can overcome all difficulties and problems.  This month we can find relief from our difficulties by staying heart centered and authentic in all of our endeavors, in this there is success.

Important Dates

Rooster People, this is your clash month so use caution, especially on Rabbit days which are March 10 & 22. You can have success this  month if you cultivate humility and act from your heart.

Month Breaker:  March 16, 28,* Clash to Rabbit People, a day of caution for all.  Not a great day to plan important activities.
Year Breaker:  March 9, 21 , *Clash to Monkey People, use caution in general.
Success Days: March  6, 18, 30 *Clash to Snake People, brings good outcomes for most endeavors except for starting legal action.  Tiger year people will benefit most from these days.
Remove Days: 
 March 11, 23, *Clash to Dog people, good day to let go of what no longer serves you and to remove obstacles. Great days for Spring Cleaning and Spring Clean-Ups!
Initiate Days: 
 March 15, 27, *Clash to Tiger people, in keeping with the theme of re-birth this month, Initiate days are good for starting new things and new beginnings.

Feng Shui 

After two months of back to back that clashes to the respective years, as well as doubled up annual and monthly stars, the Rabbit month will be more meek and mild.  While the Rabbit and the Monkey are not all that friendly with one another, the Yin Metal of this month is a heavenly combination to the Yang Fire of the year so there will be a bit more harmony.  People who might not otherwise get along may be able to find common ground especially when all parties are being sincere.

Central Palace or Tai Qi: The #2 Illness star is in this sector all year, if you have not done so already, this is a good month to place a salt cure.

Northeast: Negative 5 yellow is here all year, please remember to keep this area of your home quiet if possible and NO construction.  If you have not already done so, then now is a good time to add metal to this sector as well as a salt cure.

South:  The monthly 5 Yellow resides in this sector this month, adding a metal object to this sector will reduce its affects as well as bolster the positive #6 Metal star which resides here for the year.  Those seeking promotion or to get ahead at work this month should definitely use this strategy and place a metal cure here.

Northwest: The #2 Illness star is visiting this palace this month along with the annual #3 star which has can stir up arguments. This would be a good sector to keep quiet if you can or add metal to help alleviate the effects of the #2 & #3 stars.  If you find arguments arising remember to stay heart centered.  Skip burning candles in this sector for the month.

I want to give a special thanks to my friend and colleague Anjie Cho for her adorable rabbit artwork which graces this newsletter! Be sure to stop by her site to see her amazing mandala artwork and Feng Shui related products! http://www.holisticspaces.com

Happy Spring everyone, I hope this month gives you fresh new Qi for all of your endeavors!