Month of the Water Rat

December 7 – January 5

The month of the Water Rat brings additional Yang Water to this Yang Water year, powerful ocean water now becomes a tsunami. The powerful and deep ocean water present in this year is one reason people have been struggling with mental health and powerful emotions this year, this month these feelings will likely intensify.

Water is also the element of fear and danger and this year with the added pressures and challenges in the world around us we may feel a sense of hopelessness and despair. This holiday season take extra care with your emotions and check on the people in your life, especially the quiet ones, to make sure they are alright. Lend your support and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it to.

The life raft in this sea of emotions is fire and there are many ways to bring that light into these dark times. One way to bring fire to your life is through your spiritual practice, make time this month to cultivate your connection to the divine and get in touch with your spirit. Another way is to raise the fire in your body, so get up and get moving. Whether it’s taking a brisk walk, yoga, hitting the gym, or even dancing, activities that get your heart rate up will really help. Fire is also joy and laughter so make time for fun and fellowship with the people who lift your spirits, watch funny movies, play fun games, do what sparks joy.

The hexagram this month is #51 called Thunder or Shocking, though I prefer Master Huang’s name Taking Action. This hexagram is comprised of the Thunder trigram above Thunder trigram below – thunder doubled. Like the shock and awe of a powerful lightning storm this hexagrams portends a time of surprising, perhaps frightening news or events that shake us up and rattle our nerves. However, the reason I prefer the translation taking action is that often these shocking events are just what we need to compel us to spring into action. Sometimes it is necessary for the universe to get our attention so that we must do something about the situation we find ourselves in. The advice of this hexagram is that now is the time to act and that there is no time to waste. No more sitting on the sidelines or contemplating, it is time to do something and move forward. This month may feel like a storm at sea but as they say a smooth sea never makes for a skilled sailor, so take action this month and find out what you are made of.

As we approach the end of the year, now is a great time to take action and prepare for the year ahead. I am now scheduling annual Feng Shui and astrology reviews to ready your space and yourself to make the most of  Water Rabbit year. You may book your session directly using the link below. Please note that annual reviews are for those who have previously had a full 4 Pillars reading or a complete Feng Shui analysis of their space, for more information feel free to email me

Join me on Sunday, January 15, 2023, 10 am – 12 pm EST live via Zoom to kick off the New Year with a workshop to find out what the Water Rabbit year has in store for the world at large and how to make the most of the new year energy in both your space and in your life. To register please visit: http://

I will be offering a hybrid in-person and online 4 Pillars Astrology course, Sunday February 5 – Thursday, February 9 to learn how to create and interpret charts for use in understanding personality traits, relationships, Feng Shui, Date Selection and more. For more information please visit:

Join me and my colleague Erin Tschantret for a sacred journey to the Isle of Skye in Scotland to June 25 – July 1. Space is limited so be sure to reserve your spot as soon as possible!  For more information please visit my web page: or email me at