Month of the Metal Pig

November 8 – December 6
The Metal Pig month is the birth of the Water season as the sign of the Pig, otherwise known as Pisces, brings ocean water. Yin Metal represents the planet Venus, the goddess born of the sea, who imbues this month with watery femininity, as well as beauty, love, and desire. 

As water is the element of emotions it could be a particularly emotional time for all as this water month amplifies the Yang Water of this Tiger year. Be especially gentle and have extra patience with yourself and others feelings will be closer to the surface now. Make mental and emotional self care a priority either by relying on your spiritual practice or by reaching out for support.

The Metal Pig like the Water Tiger pillar is also a spiritual pillar so like last month this month also offers energy that supports spiritual cultivation and renewal. It is a great month to make more time for meditation, prayer or deepening your personal devotional practice in whatever form that takes for you. The key is to make some time to connect to the divine and feed that flame within yourself to serve as an anchor in the turbulent waters of our time.

The hexagram this month #8 Union, is also indicative of the couplings and connects which Venus brings. This month is all about emotional connections which is quite fitting for the Thanksgiving season when we make time to gather and spend time with loved ones in gratitude for the blessings these important relationships bring to our lives. The key this month is there is more strength in teamwork and collaborating with others than in trying to go it alone. Reach out, ask for help, lend a hand – don’t be a lone wolf. As Venus is at work this month some of the connections forged now may also be passionate and romantic in nature as emotions are running particularly high. This month focus on the relationships in your life and make time to connect with those you love these moments are truly golden.

The end of the year is an ideal time to begin preparing for the new year and I am pleased to begin scheduling personalized, one-on-one sessions for those who have previously had an astrology reading or Feng Shui analysis who wish to find out how next year will impact your life and how to optimize your spaces. To book a session directly please visit the link below or email me for more information.

Join me on Sunday, January 15, 2023, 10 am – 12 pm EST live via Zoom to kick off the New Year with a workshop to find out what the Water Rabbit year has in store for the world at large and how to make the most of the new year energy in both your space and in your life. To register please visit: 

I will be offering a hybrid in-person and online 4 Pillars Astrology course, Sunday February 5 – Thursday, February 9 to learn how to create and interpret charts for use in understanding personality traits, relationships, Feng Shui, Date Selection and more. For more information please visit:

I will be co-leading a sacred journey to the Isle of Skye in Scotland to June 25 – July 1 and am so excited to share the spiritual power of this place to support you and your life’s journey. Space is limited so be sure to reserve your spot as soon as possible!  For more information please visit my web page: or email me at