Month of the Water Horse

June 5 – July 5

The month of the Horse is galloping in bringing with it two opposing energies of Fire and Water. It is also the Month that clashes the Rat year which means the energy will at best be unsettled and oppositional and chaotic at worst. Imagine if you will the reaction caused by putting water on a fire with its sizzle and steam.

Clashes mean change but they can be uncomfortable and challenging and may feel amplified during this global pandemic. Those with a Rat or Horse in their chart will be the ones to feel the impact and disruption of the clash this month most keenly. The best way to deal with the clash is to have courage and decide what you want to change and switch things up yourself. 

On a positive note, the Horse is also a Nobleman or helpful person star to those who are 辛 Yin Metal Day Master. So, if this is your Day Master element you should seek out and ask for assistance and support this month as you are more likely to find the help you need.

The hexagram for this month is #57 called Wind or Proceeding HumblyThis hexagram is Wind over Wind symbolic of gently penetrating wind which continues to blow persistently. It is a summer breeze soft and gently flowing. The advice of this hexagram is that the best way to make progress at this time is to move forward carefully and consistently and most of all humbly. With stress and tension running high for everyone the balm and way forward lies in gentleness and kindness. Be like the gentle breeze moving ever forward with caution and care and you may reach your aim.

Want to thrive in challenging times?
For those who would like some one-on-one support to address a key room in your home for concerns such as better health or improving your work space, I am now offering One-Room Distance Feng Shui Consultations for $149. Get the help you need to re-energize your most important spaces.  

If you would like in-depth monthly energy information including best Feng Shui sectors and Auspicious Dates you can subscribe to my Premium Monthly Forecasts for only $5/month! See link in sidebar or email me at for more information.

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BaZi – 4 Pillars of Destiny Astrology
October 15-18, 2020 

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