Month of the Water Goat

July 6 – August 6

The month of the Horse has been an intense month, clashes between protestors and police, heated political rhetoric, and heated emotions brought out into the open.

The month of the Goat may be less noisy but it won’t be less emotional. Instead of public airing of emotions and grievances, many will find this month to be more introspective and unusual. The Goat month asks to look below the surface of the murky water to discover hidden issues from the past to reveal them and bring them to the light. These past experiences and emotions may come up unexpectedly and possibly even in strange or supernatural ways. Ghosts of days gone by may appear and old wounds may need tending to and healing. Spiritual methods may be best to process these old hurts and to gain wisdom and clarity that comes when the lessons of the past are learned. 

As the saying goes, those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it, may we all learn from history to successfully navigate the remainder of this challenging year.

The hexagram for this month is #47 called Exhausting or TrapThis hexagram is the image of a lake that has dried up, its water trapped in the ground below the lakebed. This hexagram represents a difficult and gloomy time when one is beset by obstacles and oppression. At a time when one is restricted or ‘trapped’ the best course of action is to be still to gather one’s strength and prepare for a more favorable time. This is a good time for self examination and self reflection in order to understand the spiritual meaning and lessons of the current situation. Only when one is clear and still will the right solutions present themselves.

As you take time for quiet contemplation and go within this month you may find yourself wanting more tools for self cultivation and self transformation and there are few tools for self empowerment as powerful as 4 Pillars. For those seeking to utilize this essential tool I will be teaching live in-person 4 day course which will also be live streamed  for those who cannot travel. Give yourself the gift of self mastery to succeed in these changing times.

4 Pillars of Destiny Astrology
October 15-18, 2020 

This course will give you the foundational information you need to read and interpret 4 Pillars Astrology Charts to better understand yourself for personal growth and transformation, and to read the charts of others as well. This will be both an in person and live streamed course and will take place in Pittsfield, MA.

Feng Shui Certificate Course
Late Autumn 2020, Dates TBD

For more information about our upcoming courses please email or visit

Want to thrive in challenging times?
If you would like more in-depth monthly energy information including best Feng Shui sectors and Auspicious Dates for taking action, you can subscribe to my Premium Monthly Forecasts for only $5/month! See link in sidebar or email me at for more information.