Preparing for Chinese New Year!

DSC_0646The Chinese Year of the Yin Wood Goat, or Yi Wei, is just a few weeks away.  If you find that 2015 did not get off to a good start or you have been behind on implementing your resolutions then you are in luck because the Chinese New Year offers a second chance at a fresh start!

Traditionally, Chinese homes and business prepare in advance of the new year to “sweep away the bad luck” and welcome the in the new luck in the most auspicious way possible.  Here are 9 traditional preparations that you can use to get ready for the Yi Wei year or to simply change the energy in your life – a particularly welcome breath of fresh air in the middle of winter.

  • De-Clutter: out with the old to make room for the new.
  • Repair: fix any broken or damaged items, attend to maintenance issues.
  • Clean: give your home or office a thorough cleaning and don’t forget the windows!
  • Re-Stock: clean out the refrigerator and pantry and fill them with fresh new food.
  • Settle Debts: pay any outstanding bills or debts and start the year with a clean balance sheet.
  • Consult: use Feng Shui or BaZi/Chinese astrology to maximize your luck for the coming year.
  • Re-Fresh: update your look with a fresh hair cut & style or a new outfit for the occasion.
  • Decorate: use colorful red lanterns and banners, or simply a colorful bouquet of fresh flowers.
  • Appreciate: prepare gifts of sweets for friends, neighbors and colleagues.

Enjoy the preparations and stay tuned because the forecast for the New Year as well as information about the Annual Stars will be posted here soon!