Ox Month Begins with an Activation!

Wednesday, January 6 marks the beginning of the month of the Ox and the last month in the year of the Goat.  The Ox represents damp frozen winter ground and clashes with the Goat.  This clash  could bring some challenges in the world at large but for those who seize it this month can also bring opportunity!


No longer 2015 and not yet Fire Monkey year, the Ox month is a pivotal moment and something of a yearly grace period for those of us who didn’t quite finish wrapping up our year with the holiday presents.  Often the hustle and bustle of the holidays leaves us little time to earnestly reflect on the past year and envision our dreams for the next but the Ox month is something of a bonus without the mayhem to do just that.  There is still one more month to clean out the old and to decide what you would like to welcome in the coming year.

This particular Ox month begins with a unique opportunity and a special alignment of energy that you can use to activate wealth in your home or office.  The time to do this activation is at 7:30 am in your local time zone in the Southeast 1 or Dragon Sector (112.6-127.5 degrees), Southwest 3 or Monkey Sector (232.6-247.5 degrees) and Northwest 1 or Dog Sector ((292.6-307.5 degrees).  If you don’t already know where these sectors are you will need to locate them with a compass ( a smart phone app works well) and then divide your space into 8 equal wedges like a pizza or a pie with each slice aligned to the cardinal and sub cardinal directions.   Once located, simply place a large container (a 2′-3′ tall vase or a 5 gallon bucket sized at least) of water in the SE & SW sectors, you can use a fan or a burning candle in the Northwest sector.  The fan or candle should be used in the short term only and the water should be left in place for 2 weeks.  An even easier way to activate these sectors is to make changes of some kind or to disturb the earth or walls in some way.  You can clean-out and de-clutter, move furniture around or put a nail in the wall to activate the Qi.  If you want to hang a picture or decoration on your nail you can hang up whatever you like, what activates the Qi is the nailing not the image.

Those who would like to add another dimension to your manifestation can do so using the spiritual aspect of Qi Men Dun Jia.  After activating your space, sit quietly in the Southeast sector of your home, with your body facing the NW direction and the SE behind you.  Go into a quiet, meditative state and ask your Qi Men Dun Jia Deity or your personal spiritual guides and angels to bring you the things you want to manifest in the new year – especially abundance and wealth as they are tied to this activation.

A couple of important notes, as this day is a Pig day those with Snake in any of their 4 Pillars or BaZi chart will not be able to reap the benefits of the activation.  If you don’t know what animals are in your chart or if you don’t know who your Qi Men Deity is then now is a great time to order a personal Destiny Analysis.  You can also look it up on your own using this link: http://bazi.masteryacademy.com

I hope that the Ox month brings clarity and inspiration to fuel your dreams for 2016 and I wish you all success with your activations and plans!