Month of the Wood Rabbit

Month of the Wood Rabbit
March 6 – April 4

The Rabbit month begins on Monday, March 6 with the two week mini season called ‘Awakening of Worms’ and concludes with the two week season called ‘Spring Equinox’.  This is the month we shift to the mid-point of spring and into the half of the year where daylight hours begin to outnumber the dark. 

The spring season is the season of wood, not only because plants are coming back to life but as a metaphor for our own renewed growth and expansion. The yang energy of this half of the year is a motivating and invigorating energy for us all giving us the drive and momentum to move our lives and endeavors forward. This is a time to move, learn and expand, the time of slow hibernation is over.

The Rabbit month in a Rabbit year brings intensity so whatever is true for this year whether bad or good will be doubly so this month. Those who have the Rooster in their chart this year have a good measure of change on the horizon and this Rabbit month  is likely the month of the year when those changes appear on the horizon, or the changes you wish to make are set into motion. The only constant is change so embrace this month’s energy as an opportunity to gain the momentum or shove you need to move forward.

Those with the Rat, Horse, Dog, Dragon and Rabbit have some wonderful potential this year so no time to waste. Let this month be the month when you start cashing in on the golden opportunities available to you this year.

The hexagram for this month is #19 Arriving, this Hexagram is one 12 special Sovereign hexagrams as it denotes a seasonal shift in solar energy. This hexagram depicts a time when yang energy is rising and gaining momentum. Indeed this is a month where we can feel the yang energy stirring nature back to life after a long winter sleep. For us personally however,  it can indicate a time of powerful energy and momentum forward as the yang energy is growing. This hexagram also comes with some friendly advice as we march forward and that is the arrival of rewards and success come to those who do what it right. As we embrace the energy of this spring season how we do things is important as only right action brings long term success. When we are moving quickly and life is hectic there could be the temptation to take short cuts or give less than our best.  If we know better we should do better and that way of moving in the world will allow us to arrive at our destination. As this hexagram tells us good things come to those who take the high road.


You are cordially invited to a sacred journey to the Isle of Skye in Scotland June 25 – July 1.  Special New Year Offer is still available, bring a friend and receive $700 off! Space is limited and we must have all registrations in soon so be sure to reserve your spot on this magical adventure as soon as possible!
For an itinerary and more information please visit my web page: or email me at