Month of the Wood Dragon


Wednesday, April 5, is the beginning of the Dragon month, the last month of the spring season. Dragons are what we call landforms in Feng Shui which transmogrify mountains and hills into mystical living beings.  Indeed during this month as the foliage grows, the Earth itself seems to come alive. Not only is the spring the season of wood but the Wood Dragon represents strong, majestic wood like great forests upon a mountain range.

While the energy of last month was a total clash to the year, this month’s energies are a complete coupling with the energy of the year. One does not need to understand 5 element theory to know that wood fuels fire, and what Chinese Metaphysics can tell us is that the Dragon combines with the Rooster in perfect union. As in some human unions, the Dragon however looses its sense of self in this combination and becomes metal like the Rooster. The result of this pairing is simply an intensification of the clashing energies of the Fire and Metal of the year.

So what does this tell us? It tells us that this month could foster pairings, unions, mergers of all kinds but that these could be intense and powerful situations. Caution is urged here as those who play with fire may get burned and it would be wise to make sure these relationships are not all take and no give. Be wary of exciting opportunities that sweep you off your feet as you could loose your balance or sense of self.  The flamboyant Rooster is a charmer, don’t fall for the facade as there may be trouble brewing beneath.

Of course on the flip side of this coin is the likelihood that such an intense boost to the fire and metal elements of the year will bring exciting news with it. I would not be surprised to hear about big technological innovation or collaborative efforts producing outstanding achievements, especially in Fire and Metal industries, like high tech, aerospace or even in the world of high tech entertainment.  It is also likely to be a big month for mergers and acquisitions as well.

The hexagram for this month is #38 Opposition. The imagery of this hexagram is fire over lake. Fire and Water are opposites, equal in intensity and volatility – very much like the Fire and Metal elements of this year. Fire and Lake trigrams also represents two sisters who in this case disagree and don’t see eye to eye. While Fire and Water are opposites they are also complimentary as their qualities are useful to one another and balance each other out.  After all, you can’t boil water without fire! Therefore, the advice of this hexagram is to try to find common ground and ways to work together despite opposing views. Focus on how seemingly unrelated skills and talents can harmonize to accomplish goals and create new things. Opposites in this case should attract!

Important Dates:


Dog People: This is your clash month so use caution in general especially on Dragon days which are April 11 & 23.

These are the days that are generally inauspicious for everyone, days to use caution on, and unsuitable for important events or activities.

Month Breaker: These are days with unstable energy, days when things just don’t go right. Caution is urged especially for Dragon people as these are also your personal clash days and they are April 5, 17 & 29.

Year Breaker: Though not generally as volatile as Month breaker days, these are still days to use caution, especially Rooster people since these are your personal clash days and they are April 10, 22 and May 4.

These are the days that are generally lucky for everyone, except those who clash with it. These are great days to plan important events or activities.

Success Days: April 7, 19 & May 1 – Success days this month are Rate days. Success days generally bring good outcomes for all endeavors except for legal activity.  Since both the Rat and Dragon are 2 of the Nobleman stars for this year they have an extra dose of good luck this month. Ox, Monkey and Dragon people will see the most benefit from these days (Clash to Horse people).

Initiate Days: April 16 & 28  – Spring is all about new growth and new beginnings and Initiate days are the best days to use if you want to start off on the right foot so to speak. Dragon, Snake and Ox people especially will benefit from the energy of these days (Clash to Rabbit people).

Remove Days: March 10, 22 & April 3  – Spring is also about spring cleaning! So if you are looking for a good clean-out and clear-out day these are the best as you will have an easier time of letting go, and things you try to loose won’t return (Clash to Pig people).

*If you have an important event like a wedding or business launch to plan it is best to have a personalized date selection analysis to ensure the best outcome.
*Don’t know what animals are in your chart or how they may affect you? Contact me for a personalized astrological chart reading!
This month also brings new monthly energy to each of the 9 sectors and here are the highlights.

East: The wealth star is her for the year but this month th energy here means that you may find yourself spending more.  Since it is the #4 star that is here you may find yourself spending more on romantic dates or education and training you just have to decide which is a better investment if you are feeling a little cash strapped.  

Southeast:  While this sector is generally one of the best this year, this month the #5 yellow is visiting which can mean some difficulties and obstacles. These problems may seem to pop up out of nowhere but they are only temporary so keep calm, keep this sector calm and carry on.  

Northeast, Northwest and West and Center: While none of the energy is really stellar in any one sector this month, these sectors all have a He Tu combination of energy which is about relationships. Gua 5, 6, 7 and 8 people (click here to find out your Gua number) especially will find themselves dealing with the theme of relationships this month. 

I am so pleased to feature the amazing artwork of Woodland Phantasms of Germany.  The title of this piece is called Legend and is available for purchase using the link below.  Many thanks Woodland Phantasms!