Month of the Water Snake

May 5 – June 4
The month of the Water Snake the first month of the season of fire a welcome element in this Metal Ox year. The image of this pillar is the bright sun shining amidst the clouds. This is a special pillar and brings with it noble qualities and like all fire element pillars is an agent of change and transformation. 

This month will bring changes and shifts of all kinds as it has an interaction with each pillar of this year’s chart. Greater productivity is possible this month , as well as connections of both the conventional and unconventional variety as this pillar has  a particular knack for making connections especially with high ranking individuals. It also has the potential to trigger some emotional challenges and secret arrangements so we would all do well to be wary and vigilant this month of undercurrents which may be at play behind the scenes.

The Snake has a rather complicated relationship with several zodiac signs. In particular, those with the Monkey, Tiger or Pig in their chart will likely feel the most impact from this month’s energy. Take note of which pillar in your chart these zodiac signs appear to see which area of your life will be impacted the most by these challenging interactions.
Monkey = Destruction, release the old to make way for something new or at least destroy the old way of doing things and find a better way forward.
Tiger = Harm, broken promises, feelings of inadequacy, and lack of appreciation, will require the cultivation of gratitude to soothe bruised emotions.
Pig = Clash, changes are in store, keep a realistic outlook for what lies ahead.

In addition to having the personal touch, this pillar also comes with a strategy which is to take advantage of a situation, often a problematic one for others, to create an opportunity for oneself. To make lemonade from others lemons as it were. While one may employ a Machievellian approach to this ambulance chasing strategy, a kinder gentler way to employ it would be to work with others to create a silver lining in challenging times. Be the nobleman for others and create some good karma for yourself as well.

The hexagram for this month is #43 called Eliminating. The imagery of this hexagram is Lake over Heaven a heavy cloud like a lake of moisture in the sky which is about to release as a rain storm. Like the imagery of Water Snake illustrates, when the heat of the sun sends water to the sky there is a point of over saturation and critical mass. The message of this hexagram is that when a situation, particularly a negative one, reaches a certain point of accumulated tension the best thing is to let go and eradicate the situation all together. Eradicate hexagram advises us to eliminate our hesitation and do what must be done so we can move forward again. Its a good month to ask yourself what situation or thing is holding you back and release it to let the sunlight in. 
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