Month of the Metal Rabbit

Month of the Metal Rabbit
March 5 – April 3 

The start of the new year and spring are both seasons which yield new beginnings and the perfect time to announce some exciting new changes for my business. While Feng Shui is my first love and the discipline which brought me to the world of Chinese Metaphysics, my work has now grown to encompasses much more than Feng Shui. So, it is now time to change the name of my consulting practice to more accurately reflect the wider scope of my work. My new business name Beth Grace Consulting allows me to include all of the disciplines in Chinese Metaphysics that I synthesize to assist my clients with optimization of their environments, personal coaching, and aligned timing. The holistic nature of my work is reflected and streamlined in this new name and look. As ever, it is my great honor to use this ancient wisdom to support my clients and students with both their spaces and their lives. 

The month of the Rabbit is the mid point of spring, days are getting longer and nature is waking up from its winter slumber. We too may find ourselves restless and eager for movement, growth and expansion particularly as the pandemic restrictions drag on.

The Metal Rabbit pillar of this month is a rather self contradictory pillar. The imagery is of metal cutting wood, like pruning shears to the vine or clippers to the bonsai. It speaks of growth but also restriction, of self-sabotage, rejection and revenge. This is a pillar which can indicate cutting words or cutting ties making this a month where feelings can be hurt and sensitivity abounds. While pruning and cutting ties may be necessary for our growth it should be done with the utmost care. Remember that people are like delicate flowers and prefer watering to cutting so take care with your words and actions this month.

The hexagram for this month is #61 called Innermost Sincerity or Sincerity. The imagery of this hexagram is Wind over Lake however the meaning of this particular hexagram comes from the image formed by the lines as a whole. The small open space created between the two trigrams is likened to the heart space and our innermost self. In all that we do this month it is important that our words and actions come from the heart, not our ego. It is important to try to connect with others on a heart to heart level this month. The ancient wisdom of this hexagram says that with joy, humility, innermost sincerity, and trustworthiness one is able to transform a country. May these be our guiding principles this month in all of our interactions with others.

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