Month of the Earth Rooster

Month of the Earth Rooster
September 8 – October 8

Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

~Robert Frost

The month of the Rooster brings us to the mid-point of Autumn celebrated in Asia with the Mid-Autumn Festival while a world away this solar shift  is similarly observed in the Celtic world with the celebration of Mabon. The equinox is a universal moment when golden daylight hours become overshadowed by the dark. We may have entered the Yin half of the year at the Summer Solstice but this is the point of the year when we really feel it. Now we become more aware of the ephemeral quality of the sunlight and that nothing gold can stay.

While some may be less than enthusiastic about the shorter days, the Rooster does bring other golden opportunities for those who know how to make the most of this month’s energy.

The Earth Rooster, like last month’s pillar, is one of the scholarly pillars and supportive for academic pursuits which is well timed with the beginning of the school year. Those who are Yin Fire or Yin Earth Day Master elements in their 4 Pillars charts will benefit most from this scholarly star making it a great month to take a class or to learn something new.

The Rooster is also one of the 4 ‘Peach Blossom‘ or attraction star zodiac signs. This is particularly helpful if your day pillar contains the Monkey, Rat or Dragon zodiac sign. While one can certainly use this energy to attract attention from potential romantic partners, it can also give a boost to advertising and social media presence. If this is your peach blossom month it’s a great month to get out and mingle – you never know what you may pull into your orbit.

Not sure what’s in your chart? Look it up for free here:

The I Ching hexagram this month is #56 Traveling, Fire trigram Li over Mountain trigram Gen. While generally this hexagram can indicate that traveling is literally in the cards it can also represent the movement of change and development all around us. The image of fire moving quickly across the mountain reminds us of the fleeting nature of life, like short lived summer days. Even if we are not traveling away from home this hexagram reminds us that life is a journey and in that sense we are all travelers and best to stick to the straight and narrow path and not sweat the small stuff along the way.

The year is indeed moving quickly and 2023 the year of the Water Rabbit is fast approaching and already beginning to take shape. I am excited to announce that I will be collaborating with my amazing friend Erin Tschantret a Yoga teacher, Reiki Master and Shamanic healer to lead a sacred journey to the Isle of Skye in Scotland this coming May. For more information please visit my web page: