Fire Monkey Forecast Part III: Feng Shui

Part III of my annual forecast tells you what you need to know about the changing energy in your space so you can accentuate the positive!  Please note it is best to place any “cures” or enhancements before February 4th for maximum effect.

Part III: Fire Monkey Feng Shui
To know what affect the Fire Monkey year will have on your space we look at both the  Feng Shui Annual Flying Star Chart and the Qi Men Dun Jia Yearly Chart as well as the positive and negative stars that reside in each sector.  These charts tell us what kind of energy is located in each of the 9 sectors of your home so you can avoid the negative and accentuate the positive sectors by tapping into the beneficial Qi of this year.

To locate these areas, first use a compass to determine the location of the 8 directions relative to your home.  Then, divide your home into 9 palaces like a tic-tac-toe board as shown in this diagram.

As they say, first the bad news..

Sectors where negative Qi resides this year:

Center or Tai Qi of your home: #2 Is the “Illness” star.  since the energy that resides in the center affects the whole home this star could affect everyone in the household.  Since it is an earth element star we want to avoid strengthening it with fire so please avoid burning candles in this area.  Additionally wood counters earth and water contaminates it so don’t keep plants or water features here.  If you would like to mitigate the effects of the the 2 star you can however add a quiet, non-moving, non-animated object made of metal in the center area of your home.

Northwest: #3 Star also called the “Argument” or “Stress” star is residing here and could lead to arguments and disputes, it also carries the possibility of legal issues or lawsuits.  Couples who sleep in a Northwest bedroom will be particularly affected by this energy.  Unlike the center, this is an area where burning candles once and a while (especially for couples with a bedroom here) would help, not so much to spark romance but to reduce the effects of the wooden element 3 star!

North: #7 is called the “Robbery” star as it can lead to loss of wealth including that from theft.  It also represents emotional turbulence and conflicts and activating this star could bring challenges related to spousal disagreements, office politics and competition.  There is also the possibility of negative impacts on health.  If you cannot avoid the area where this star resides you can weaken its effects by placing water here, still water is preferred especially if the North is located in a bedroom.

Northeast: #5 called the “5 Yellow” this is the most inauspicious all the stars and this sector is also the location of “Year Breaker”, located specifically at NE3. Activating the 5 Yellow can bring very negative results including accidents, injuries, misfortune and calamities.  This area should be kept quiet and avoided if possible, construction and renovation should absolutely not be undertaken in this sector of your home or property.  If you cannot avoid this area of your home you can mitigate the effects by using a metal object in this sector, generally a quiet non-moving metal object is preferred especially for indoor use.

Now for the good news!

Sectors where positive Qi resides this year:

West: #4 called “Academic” star is the star of academic achievement and also romance. It also supports travel and relationships.  This is a prime location for a bedroom or study area.  If you want to enhance the effects of this star then this is a great sector to add water as an enhancement.

South: #6 is a metal star called which governs power and authority.  Using this sector is bring career advancement, reward for your efforts and promotions including the possibility of a salary increase!  This is also a beneficial star to strengthen reputations and enhance one’s social network.  The annual “3 Killings” is also located in this sector this year so while it is good to use and occupy this area it is not an area where renovations or construction should occur.

East: #9 is a fire star and its energy brings many happy outcomes.  It supports career aspirations including recognition and promotions as well as good outcomes for investments.  It is also a star that supports those getting marriage and starting families.  It is also the secondary wealth sector for this year.  Wood is the element to enhance this happy star.

Southwest: #8 is the primary “Wealth” star and contains the energy of success and prosperity.  Activating this sector can support career, good reputation or personal brand and provide good return on investments.  Since the “Grand Duke” is also located in Southwest 3 sector specifically one should use this area but but refrain from breaking ground, renovation or construction in this area.  In addition to frequent use to activate this auspicious Qi you can also enhance the energy here with fire.

Southeast: #1 a water star is located here and combines to make a special energetic alignment this year and is the most prosperous sector for the year.  This sector brings support for scholarly and literary pursuits, it will also bolster one’s success as well as reputation and wealth.  This water star also supports relationships specifically romantic relationships and most importantly it brings with it the assistance of Noble people.  In addition to activating this sector with activity you can enhance this most positive energy with water in this sector.

In general, it is important to note that negative sectors are not to be feared so much as kept quiet and undisturbed and the positive sectors are areas that are best activated by activity and frequent use such as a main door, bedroom or desk.   If a door, including your front door, that you frequently use is located in a negative sector consider using a door located in one of the positive sectors instead, the benefit of activating positive Qi will outweigh any inconvenience! Likewise, if you find that one of the positive sectors of your home is an infrequently used space now is a good time to think about new ways to use that space to bring more life and vitality there.

Most importantly areas that contain negative Qi for the year should not undergo renovation of any kind this year, simply wait until the following year to implement your plans.  For example if you planned a bathroom renovation in the Northeast but have a room in the Southwest that you never use my advice is to save the money on the renovation and re-purpose your room in the Southwest instead.

If you are unsure about how to apply the annual stars or if you would like to assistance in making adjustments then now is the perfect time for a Feng Shui consultation to help you identify and align with the energy in your home and make the most of it!

I wish you many blessings for healthy and prosperous New Year!

*For those who are interested in learning more about how to best utilize each sector and how to implement cures and enhancements for the year, be sure to sign up for my workshop at the Total Life Care Center in Norwalk, CT on Saturday, February  27 from 1-3pm.  You can sign up using this link: