Month of the Fire Rat:
December 6 – January 4
Each year the arrival of the Rat month each year ushers us into the darkest and most yin month of the year. The unique energy of this December is described by the Fire Rat pillar which gives us an image of the sun eclipsed by clouds or even the Moon herself. Sunlight already at its weakest during winter seems hidden from us this month which can add to that feeling that we are indeed entering into the deep midwinter. This yin time of year is always an invitation to slow down, do less and rest more. The atmosphere that the Fire Rat brings could also add to the tendency for gloominess and pessimism, this is a month when it could be easy to lose hope.
When sunlight is in short supply, or even hidden completely, we have two options. One is to lean into the darkness and use it for what it is good for, rest, looking within, and spending time in contemplation. Of course it is also the darkest times that allow us to see the stars more clearly. The other option is to do what people who live in darkness all winter have done for centuries which is to light up the darkness ourselves with man-made light. Whether by candle, holiday lights, the light of community and fellowship with others, or by the light of spiritual cultivation. This month we may have to be proactive to find the light.
Do slow down this month. Get quiet and listen to your life. What did you learn this year? What loose ends need tidying up? What would you like to dream into being in the coming year? This is a time to pause and reflect to begin the preparations for the new year, not only for 2025 but also for the opportunities the Wood Snake year will bring in February!
The I Ching hexagram of this month is #27 called ‘Nourish’ so called because the arrangement of the six lines of the Mountain trigram above the Thunder trigram evoke an image of an open mouth. The general advice of this hexagram is to pay attention to how we nourish ourselves. Of course one can take this literally by being more deliberate and measured in terms of food and drink, always a good idea to be cognizant of overindulgence at this time of year! Any hexagram which contains the Mountain trigram as this one does carries the advice of slowing down or pausing. We might apply that guidance by nourishing ourselves with more rest, rejuvenation and self care this month as well. The general wisdom during this yin time of year is to sleep when the sun does which would certainly nourish the body as well. Lastly, and perhaps given the tendency for cynicism and the emotional nature of the holidays the most important way to nourish is to pay attention to how we nourish one another. A translation of the ancient text advises that ‘A wise person utters words with care, since the words come from within’. Take extra care this month to how you nourish others with your words. So many are experiencing challenges right now, a compliment or kind word can go a long way to nourishing others, and that makes the days brighter for all.
With the Dragon year now winding down, we can turn our attention to the year of the Snake which will arrive energetically on February 3 and be celebrated with Lunar New Year festivities beginning on January 29. Starting this month I will be offering a variety of ways for you to prepare for the coming year.
Feng Shui & Chinese Astrology for Wood Snake Year
Saturday, January 25, 10:00 am EST
One-On-One Annual Astrology Sessions:
If you have previously had your BaZi/4 Pillars chart read by me you can now sign up for a session to take a look at the year ahead. If I have not previously read your chart you can sign up for a regular astrology session which will include your outlook for the coming year.
Monthly Energy Workshops!
For those who wish to go into greater depth exploring the monthly energies, I will be offering monthly online workshops to expand upon the insights in these monthly forecast to tell you more about the Feng Shui and astrological energies impacts for each month, and more importantly what it means for you. It will not only be a time to receive more information but also to ask questions and perhaps a little divination as well.
Tuesday, December 3 , 2024 at 7:00 pm EST.
Single Class Drop-In Rate $27
Save $108 when you subscribe for a year:
Spiritual Retreat to Ireland, August 2025!
We invite you to join us in Ireland for the Celtic festival of Lughnasadh, a time to savor and celebrate the beginning of the harvest season with a feast for your soul. The magic of the Wicklow Mountains is the perfect cauldron to nourish both your body and spirit with daily yoga, excursions to mystical sites, spiritual and metaphysical teachings, and delicious meals shared with friends. Retreat pricing includes lodging, meals, excursions, and programming. Spa services are available but not included. Space is quite limited and filling up quickly, be sure to reserve your spot as soon as possible! For more information please visit: