Month of the Earth Dragon

Month of the Earth DragonApril 5 – May 5 Can you spot the Dragons in this photo? How many do you see? It’s a trick question.   Yes, there are literally Dragons on the roof of the temple, but I am referring to the mountain ranges this temple is facing and receiving the Qi from. Those are the powerful… Continue reading Month of the Earth Dragon

Categorized as Feng Shui

Feng Shui & Front Doors

Today’s Feng Shui Friday: Front Doors I was asked recently by a client if Orange was a good color to paint her main door and was that a good color for that sector. My answer was if you really like orange then you should paint it orange.  You see, color has a very small impact… Continue reading Feng Shui & Front Doors

Categorized as Feng Shui

Month of the Fire Tiger

Month of the Fire Tiger February 4 – March 5  Happy New Year! Today is the first day of the Fire Tiger month and the first day of the Year of the Pig which arrives at 11:16 am today. The imagery of the Fire Tiger pillar is of the bright sun shining on the trees of the forest, giving light… Continue reading Month of the Fire Tiger

Categorized as Feng Shui

Earth Pig Annual Forecast: Horoscopes

  2019: Earth Pig Year  Chinese Zodiac Horoscopes The changing energy of the New Year affects us all uniquely depending on what elements and which zodiac animals are in our charts. That’s right, each person has 4 Chinese Zodiac animals in their chart so if you don’t like the reading for your year animal you may have… Continue reading Earth Pig Annual Forecast: Horoscopes