December 7 – January 5
On this eve of the Solar Eclipse as we prepare for the powerful conjunction the Sun and the Moon, of Yin and Yang, we also prepare to enter the Metal Rat month. This month’s energy will feel all too familiar as we meet again in a smaller way the energy of last year. The Metal Rat is a point of full darkness, like an eclipse of the Moon at night, and is the Zero point of the 360 degrees of the Feng Shui Luo Pan. Last year was a global re-set for us all, this month offers us another chance for us to re-set our lives, make adjustments as needed, and learn once and for all the lessons of the past year before we move into the Water Tiger year in February.
The Month of the Rat is always the most yin month of the year, a time to slow down and go inward, a time for contemplation, reflection, and self examination. The Rat month is also the most powerful water month of the year, the element of emotions and thoughts. Can we turn the poison of last year into In no year has it been more important for us to do our inner emotional work than this year as we will pivot and move more powerfully into the future beginning in February. Take advantage of this opportunity to get in touch with your inner landscape and to get firmly rooted within yourself as things will move quite quickly after next month.
The hexagram for this month is #42 Increasing the powerful combination of Wind and Thunder reinforcing one another. Following the Observation hexagram this hexagram of momentum hints at the changes of the new year which are only weeks away. Wind and Thunder are also an ideal Yin and Yang pair supporting one another which tells us that this month we should focus on working with others, creating a healthy give and take within the relationships in our lives. This hexagram also speaks to finding balance between Yin and Yang within ourselves and in our lives. For those who have been overly Yang this is a good month to be more Yin, more still, more quiet and listen to our emotions a bit more.
Now is the time to find our inner and outer equilibrium as we prepare for powerful energy of the incoming year!
The Year of the Water Tiger is fast approaching and I am now booking personalized annual Feng Shui and Astrology review sessions to prepare for what the new year has in store for your personally and how to make the most of it. Please contact me by email at beth@bethgraceconsulting to reserve your session.