Year of the Metal Rat: Part I Zodiac Animal Horoscopes

The Year of the Metal Rat begins on February 4. Here’s what you need to know about how the energy of the year will affect each of the 12 Zodiac Animal Signs.

To see how the year will affect you personally, look up your 4 Pillars or BaZi chart using this link to see which 4 Animal Signs are in your chart. location of the animal in either your Year, Day, Month or Hour will show you which area of your life that zodiac animal luck has the greatest impact on.


YEAR: Your friends, colleagues, mostly external friends, this is also the pillar of social media and marketing.
MONTH: Your Month is about your career, your job or your business.
DAY: Your Day represents you yourself, your health, and it connects to spouse or partner. 
HOUR: Your Hour is your children, as well as your desires, wishes, goals and plans.


Years: 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Month: December 7 – January 6
Hour: 11 pm-1 am

Rat this is your year but it won’t be without a few challenges. With the Grand Duke visiting your sign you may feel under pressure with all eyes on you and people looking to you for guidance. The General Star and Duke’s Arrival Star in your sign signify that you should step up and take on the responsibly of leadership and use your power to take charge of the situations around you. Stepping into a more visible role can also yield monetary reward as the Golden Lock Star gives you a boost to your income and finances. While your career and financial luck will be strong this year, you may have to take care with those close to you as you may encounter more disagreements over minor issues. Do what you can to keep the peace and don’t let your work success keep you from the people close to you. Your key this year is to take charge of your life and go after what you want.


Years: 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
Month: January 7 – February 3
Hour: 1 am -3 am

Ox, you are one of the lucky ones this year! The Ox combines with the Rat, and the Duke Combination Star with you this year can really help you make important social connections and to cultivate relationships of all kind. The Ox has the Sun Star, one of the year’s 4 Annual Nobleman Stars. The Sun Star is a powerful nobleman star which signifies that you should be a pay it forward by being a nobleman to those around you. The Yang Noble star and the Heavenly Yi stars mean that while you are helping others good help and support will also come to you to assist you with achieving your goals. With all support and positive energy propelling you toward success, you still need to make time to take care of yourself and your financial wellbeing as you may encounter health and financial challenges. In both cases, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure so be proactive and plan ahead. Overall, the key for you this year is to have a clear goal in mind as there will plenty of energy and supportive people to help you meet your goals.


Years: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
Month: February 4- March 5
Hour: 3 am – 5 am

Tigers while you certainly enjoyed the combination with the Pig this past year the change in energy may have you feeling a bit let down. You may find that you feel a bit more lonely or isolated this year. Luckily, the cure for that is just a phone call away so make a concerted effort to connect with others when you feel the Solitary Star affecting you. You will also have to take care with your health as you are more prone to illness and accidents this year. The good news is that the best way to make the most of your year is by traveling. The Sky Horse Star with you this year will compel you to get up and out to see and explore new territory. This change of scenery can be very beneficial as you never know who you might meet or what new doors and insights will come to you as a result. Whether it’s for work or pleasure your key this year will to book a trip somewhere!


Years: 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Month: March 6 – April 4
Hour: 5 am – 7 am

Rabbits you are on a roll, this past year was probably pretty good to you but this year should be even better. The Rabbit is also one of the 4 Annual Nobleman Stars for the year and will have a positive boost from from the Moon Star. The Moon brings a boost to the value of property and assets. It also brings profitability and is particularly good for entrepreneurs. The Moon also brings the assistance of female nobleman so when you need help this year look to the women around you as they may have the answers and support you need. Another very fortunate star with the Rabbit this year is the Red Matchmaker Star which increases your like-ability and can bring meaningful long lasting relationships, and can strengthen the bonds of existing relationships as well. You may encounter some arguments as well as some financial challenges, but with all of the positive luck on your side this year you should have the resources to overcome these obstacles. The key for you this year is to ask for help by tapping into your nobleman luck.


Years: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
Month: April 5 – May 5
Hour: 7 am – 9 am

Dragons you may encounter some challenges this year, particularly from troublemakers and petty people, and possibly legal issues as well. You will have to make an effort to de-stress and make your health a top priority as your overall health luck is lower this year. Despite these minor challenges you have quite a lot going for you this year. The Three Stages and Elegant Seal Stars will bring you recognition for your talents and skills. This greater recognition may even come with a promotion or raise so ignore the haters and let yourself shine. They key for you this year is to find opportunities to showcase your talent and boost your marketing or social media presence as you are more likely to be seen and noticed. Get ready to level up and set your sights on the next rung of the ladder, you can get there!


Years: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
Month: May 6 – June 5
Hour: 9 am – 11 am

Snakes you are breathing a sigh of relief this year as the changes and challenges of the Pig year clash have come to an end. While things are improving you will still have some challenges to deal with. This is a good year to make your health a priority as you are more prone to illness particularly metal related illnesses such as throat, respiratory system, and large intestines. Be sure to eat healthy and get plenty of rest this year. The other area where you may encounter challenges is with your personal property and valuables as you are more prone to theft this year. While it’s always a good idea, this year make sure to update your banking passwords, keep valuables in a safe location, and consider a security system. The good news for snakes is that despite some continuing challenges, the Monthly Virtue Star is with you bringing helpful people to your aid, allowing you to rectify problems. They key for you this year is to be proactive and enlist the help of people you trust to overcome obstacles, you may even find these obstacles are blessings in disguise.


Years: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
Month: June 6 – July 6
Hour: 11 am – 1 pm

Horse folks you have been riding the wave of positive energy this year and you may feel those good vibes come crashing down. This is your clash year and you will likely encounter both challenges and changes. Remember, a clash just means change and this year your challenge is to direct the course of change rather than being left to the whim of fate. You need to decide what changes you want to make and then decide how you want implement them. The silver lining in this year is the Month Emptiness Star which will assist you in dissipating the problems that may pop up  provided you take small achievable steps to accomplish your goals rather than biting off more than you can chew. Your key this year is a positive mind set and a solid plan to implement changes in a manageable way, you may find the changes are what you really needed.


Years: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
Month: July 7 – August 7
Hour: 1 pm – 3 pm

Goats got on pretty well during the Pig year and the good news just keeps getting better as the Goat is also one of the Annual 4 Nobleman Stars, and the luckiest animal of the year. The place where the Goat will benefit the most is with regard to career and assets. With the Dragon Virtue Star  and Nobleman Star with you there will be an abundance of people there to lend you a helping hand and open doors for you. You needn’t worry too much about problems that may arise as you will find you have the power to rectify wrongs and turn negatives into positives this year. The Emperor Star brings you both appreciation and power so it’s time to take charge and make things happen. All of this positive recognition and status can also come with monetary rewards as the Jade Hall Star boosts your wealth luck and can help you grow your assets. They key for you this year is to be ready and prepared to make the most of every opportunity that comes your way.


Years: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
Month: August 8 – September 7
Hour: 3 pm – 5 pm

Monkey you are not clashed this year but you may feel like it as there is a number of negative stars exerting their influences on you this year without the relief of more positive stars to overcome these problems. One of the main challenges you will face this year will come in the form of petty and backstabbing people. You must think carefully about whom you trust and who you trust your personal information to. Be cautious, and guard your good name and reputation and remember it is ok to distance yourself from drama if need be. You may feel physically down this year as well as your health outlook is low and you are more accident and injury prone this year. So, skip the dangerous sports and make sure you wear a helmet and protective gear. The key for you this year is to look at the other animals in your chart who have more positive energy, and focus on those areas of your life which are more supported by the energy of the year.


Years: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Month: September 8 – October 7
Hour: 5 pm – 7 pm

Rooster this should be a stellar year for you as you are also one of the luckiest animals this year. The Fortune Virtue Star, an Annual 4 Nobleman Star, is smiling up on you bringing financial prosperity, removal of obstacles, and plenty of assistance from helpful people to make progress and accomplish your goals. You also have the Sky Happiness Star, a feel good star, which brings many happy events and joyful gatherings to you this year. So, you should make time for friends and loved ones and create happy memories with them. It also brings happy relationships and the possibility of greater commitment in your relationships as well. Engagements and weddings may be more plentiful for Roosters this year. The Prosperity Star also gives a boost to your professional progress this year as your talents and skills receive greater recognition which could lead to a promotion or salary increase. Your key to the year will be to savor every positive and joyful opportunity that comes your way and have gratitude for the blessings.


Years: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
Month: October 8 – November 6
Hour: 7 pm – 9 pm

Dog folks may be entering this year a bit weary from the following year and while this year offers some improvement, there are still some challenges to be aware of. Like last year, your health luck is low making you more prone to illness as well as physical injury so take extra care with your wellbeing this year.  Your lower energy could also make you more susceptible to losing or misplacing valuable items or loss of money through mistakes. So be proactive, get organized and be more mindful and alert as your go through your days. Despite some minor challenges there is also hope which is offered by the Relief Star which can help you to rectify problems and ongoing difficulties in a positive way. Your career will also get a boost from the Eight Seats Star which brings recognition for your contributions and talents which leads to positive progress and career development. This star is also great for enhancing learning which makes this year a good year to take a course and enhance your skill set.  Your key to the year is to remember that you have the support of nobleman so make time to cultivate relationships this year.


Years: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
Month: November 7 – December 6
Hour: 9 pm – 11 pm

Pigs may wish to lie low this year now that the spotlight has moved on to the Rat. With both low health luck, and a tendency to feel anxious or agitated, taking some time out for rest and introspection would serve you well. When you do get out there and engage with others you may have a tendency to be misunderstood or cause offense unknowingly so take extra care to make sure you are clear in your communication, especially via text and email, and when in doubt pick up the phone. A positive star in your corner this year is the Intelligence Star which gives you supercharged learning. This is a great year to enhance your skillset with additional training or even to learn something new. This extra brain power will also give you clear thinking and the ability to solve problems and find creative solutions both for yourself and others which makes you a valuable asset. Your key this year is to speak up and share your insights and knowledge you have a lot to offer.

Stay Tuned for Part II of my Annual Forecast: Feng Shui – coming soon!

Want More Information?
If you would like more specific and in-depth information about how the new year will impact you, you can schedule a private Destiny astrology reading by contacting me at or by visiting: