Earth Pig Annual Forecast: Feng Shui

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2019 Year of the Earth Pig

Annual Forecast: Feng Shui

On Monday, February 4 at 11:16 am, the Year of the Earth Pig will officially arrive bringing new energy into each of the 9 sectors of our homes and offices. Whatever your resolutions and goals are for this year there is a sector, or a combination of sectors, that you can utilize to empower your plans and help you manifest your intentions. The best way to tap into this energy is to physically spend time in the sectors which best suit your goals – preferably by taking the actions necessary to make those dreams a reality.

Please note these sectors are determined by magnetic compass directions and notby their position relative to the main door. To find determine these directions a compass app set to magnetic North on your smart phone will do just fine. Simply take a bird’s eye view of your space and divide it up like a pie labeling each wedge or sector according to it’s compass direction as in the image below.

NORTHWEST –  9 Star: Joy, Fulfillment, Accomplishments

This is the feel good sector for the year, one that will help you find joy and a give you a more positive outlook. The energy here can also propel you toward the fulfillment of personal achievements and accomplishments making it an ideal place to take action on big goals and plans. For those with a goal of boosting finances, especially in terms of long term planning, this is also a great sector to increase your investments.

 NW3 or Pig Sector is the Grand Duke sector this year, no renovations in part of the Northwest sector this year. If construction is unavoidable then please consult with a professional for a date to perform the work that can mitigate negative effects.

Positive Attributes: Sitting with the Grand Duke or NW3 direction behind you, at your back, can give you strength and courage  – DO NOT sit facing this direction this year.

NORTH – 4 Star: Creativity, Artistry, Romance

For those who wish to create or be more creative, especially when it comes to writing or artistic endeavors, this is the best place to hone your craft. A special alignment of energy here makes for wonderful alchemy and can get your creative juices flowing. If your goal this year is to be noticed and make connections with others, this area can also help to boost your likability. Use this sector to reach out and contact people, boost your social media presence or even find romance.

Positive Attributes: N2 Rat Sector Sun Star, Annual Nobleman Star

NORTHEAST – 2 Star: Unearthing, Uncovering, Mining for Truth

Things may appear just fine on the outside but if there are issues below the surface this sector can help you uncover the real problems and address them. This sector may not be the most positive this year but if you have been plagued by nagging questions or wrestling with doubts and suspicions, utilizing this sector this year can help you get to the bottom of things. The energy in this sector can be the catalyst for deep soul searching and can help you dig deep to the root of your problems and solve them but only if you have the resolve to face them head on. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty!

Positive Attributes: NE3 Tiger Sector Moon, Annual Nobleman Star

EAST – 6 Star:  Pruning, Paring Down, Eliminating, Letting Go 

If your goal this year is to simplify, streamline or otherwise pare down then this is the sector for you. It’s a great sector for those who have issues with clutter or who over commit themselves. Use the energy here to prune and weed things from your life that you no longer need. Spending time here can help you figure out what to let go of so you can focus your energy on what’s truly important to you. If weight loss is your goal then this sector is the ideal place to prepare healthier meals or pursue your workout regimen.

SOUTHEAST – 7 Star: Competition, Rivalry, Balancing Loss & Gain

This is not the most positive sector this year but if you need to compete this sector can be used for quick gains. The energy here brings competition and rivalry and in any competition there are winners and losers. Just think carefully before you strike out to conquer by making sure you have a long term plan. If not, you may win the battle but loose the war.

SE3 or Snake Sector is the Year Breaker, no renovations in part of the Southeast sector this year. If construction is unavoidable then please consult with a professional for a date to perform the work that can mitigate negative effects.

SOUTH –  3 Star: Arguments, Discussion, Dialogue, Acceptance

If you want to find a better balance of give and take in your relationships then this is the sector that can help foster a better way forward with the people in your life. Utilizing this sector has the potential to spark heated arguments but it can also lead to more honest and open dialogue which will help both parties find acceptance of one another when approached with an open heart.

Positive Attributes: S2 Horse Sector Dragon Virtue Star, Annual Nobleman Star

SOUTHWEST – 5 Star: Challenges, Productivity, Asset Building 

This is a tricky sector as it hosts the negative 5 yellow this year. Renovations and or disturbances of the ground are to be avoided because they could bring negative outcomes, including illness, especially if there are young children or vulnerable people in the household. However, the 5 Star is not as volatile in the Southwest so utilizing this sector could produce some positive effects and gains as well. For those wishing to have a baby this sector could help make you more productive. It can also bring some financial gains and a boost to assets, especially if other Feng Shui factors like land forms have positive features in the Southwest. Just be conservative with using this sector and seek input from a professional if you are unsure of how to proceed.

AfflictionsThe Volatile 5 Yellow is located in this sector this year, no renovations in this sector this year. If construction is unavoidable, then please consult with a professional for a date to perform the work that can mitigate negative effects.

Positive Attributes:SW3 Monkey Sector Fortune Virtue Star, Annual Nobleman Star – ACTIVATE WITH GREAT CAUTION

WEST1 Star: Nobleman, Self- Discipline, Self-Control, Structure, 

If you have goals and aspirations that you have been procrastinating on then this is the sector can help you cultivate the self-discipline and self-control you need to see things through to completion. If you need more structure in your life then this is the sector which can help you become more organized and focused enough to stick to your plans. This is also a great sector for weight loss as you will be able to develop greater discipline with your diet and work-out goals.

The San Sha or 3 Killings is located in this sector this year, no renovations in this sector this year. If unavoidable then please consult with a professional for a date to perform the work that can mitigate negative effects.

CENTER  – 8 Star: Stability, Prosperity, Travel, Pilgrimage

The central palace is an extremely positive sector this year. Since the annual prosperity star is located in the central area it is important to keep this area neat, tidy, and as open and unencumbered as possible. If you are able to utilize this are of your home or office you may find yourself inspired to travel or take a pilgrimage as the energy here also promotes travel and new vistas. Those with Snake in their charts will be most affected by this sector as their sense of wanderlust is particularly strong this year!

For more information about how the year energy will affect you based on your personal astrology stay tuned for my annual Chinese Astrology Horoscopes coming soon!
Chinese Astrology for the Year of Pig
Saturday, February 2, 2019, 1-3pm– Spirit Tree Connections, 987 New Loudon Road, Cohoes, NY

Feng Shui for the Year of the Pig
Saturday, March 9, 2019, 1-3pm– Spirit Tree Connections, 987 New Loudon Road, Cohoes, NY

To register please visit:

Interested in learning more about Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui, and how to benefit from this ancient wisdom? If so, be sure to reserve your spot in one of my upcoming courses:
BaZi 4 Pillars Chinese Astrology Course
April 6-9, 2019
Feng Shui Certificate Program
May 5-11, 2019
For more information please visit