Month of the Fire Ox

January 6 – February 3 Happy New Year 2020, and the last month of the Pig year!  This month’s pillar 丁丑 Ding Chou, or Fire Ox, is like a delicate candle flame in the winter snow. A small spark of light in the darkness. As the fire has just begun to grow at the winter solstice this is… Continue reading Month of the Fire Ox

Categorized as Feng Shui

Month of the Fire Rat

December 7 – January 5 This month’s pillar 丙子 Bing Zi or Yang Fire Rat, contains the imagery of the sun shining through clouds or winter sunlight. This pale light is a welcome element in the deep mid-winter, but no match for the extreme cold of the season. Not only is the fire weaker during this month, but the daylight hours are also at their shortest as we approach the… Continue reading Month of the Fire Rat

Categorized as Feng Shui

Month of the Wood Pig

Month of the Wood Pig November 8 – December 6 The imagery of the Wood Pig is of the lotus blossom. A delicate flower floating above its roots set deep in the water.  Spiritually speaking, the lotus flower is symbolic of being firmly rooted in the mud of this world but cultivating our consciousness, like the lotus blossom to rise above the… Continue reading Month of the Wood Pig

Categorized as Feng Shui

Month of the Wood Dog

October 8 – November 7 It’s October, and the month of the Wood Dog will begin on Tuesday, October 8. The imagery of the Wood Dog pillar is of a tough, tenacious tree growing on top of a rocky mountain or in an arid desert environment. In order to grow and thrive in such such conditions this tree must be strong… Continue reading Month of the Wood Dog

Categorized as Feng Shui

Month of the Water Rooster

Month of the Water Rooster September 8 – October 7 It’s a hard rain gonna fall… The imagery of the Water Rooster pillar is of autumn rain. Like last month, the water this month is strengthened by the water of the year and emboldened by the metal of the season which means this rain could be intense!  As… Continue reading Month of the Water Rooster

Categorized as Feng Shui

Feng Shui & Renovations

Today’s Feng Shui Friday: Renovations When it comes to renovations timing is everything! The energy in our spaces isn’t static, it changes constantly from day to month to year. This means that at any given moment of time some spaces contain more positive energy than others. The job of a Feng Shui consultant is to… Continue reading Feng Shui & Renovations

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Month of the Water Monkey

Water Monkey Month: August 8 – September 7 This monkey is an intense monkey. The Yang Water of this month brings the immense power of an ocean, and represents sheer intellect and the power of the mind. This is an intelligent, shrewd, resourceful monkey and a bit more serious than the other monkey pillars.  This month marks the halfway point… Continue reading Month of the Water Monkey

Categorized as Feng Shui

Month of the Metal Goat

Month of the Metal Goat July 7 – August 7 The month of the Metal Goat begins on Sunday, July 7 with the two week ‘season’ called Lesser Heat followed by the two week season called Greater Heat. As the mini seasons describe, this last month of the Summer Season will be about heat and fire.… Continue reading Month of the Metal Goat

Categorized as Feng Shui

Month of the Metal Horse

Month of the Metal Horse June 6 – July 6 Today is the first day of the month of the Metal Horse, mid-summer in the Chinese calendar. Time perhaps for some midsummer dreams? Well, this is the month of maximum fire – time to ignite your passions and to get inspired. The two main elements at work this month… Continue reading Month of the Metal Horse

Categorized as Feng Shui