Year of the Metal Rat Annual Forecast: Part II Feng Shui

Year of the Metal Rat:
Feng Shui

On February 4, at 5:05 pm, the Year of the Metal Rat will officially arrive bringing new energy into each of the 9 sectors of our homes and offices. The unique energy of each area can either put the wind in the sails of our goals or slow us down in the doldrums depending on how we use each area. Think about your goals and resolutions for this year and see which sector might have the best energy to give your plans a boost.

Please note these sectors are determined by magnetic compass directions and not by their position relative to the main door. To determine these directions a compass app set to magnetic North on your smart phone will do just fine. Simply take a bird’s eye view of your space and divide it up like a pie labeling each wedge or sector according to it’s compass direction as in the image below.


Star 8 – Prosperity, Wealth
Hexagram –  53 Gradual Progress, ䷴ Water Rooster
*Not as supportive to Rabbits

This year the current prosperity or wealth star is located in the Northwest palace creating a special combination of energy that is good for both wealth and status and wealth that comes from a position of power and status. It’s ideal if your office is in this sector and if not you may want to find a way to do your work in this sector. Having a bedroom or entrance door in this sector will also benefit you, they key is using this auspicious area as much as possible. 

Positive Attributes: Intelligence Star Northwest 3, Pig Sector

Star 3 – Arguments, Academic 
Hexagram – 27 Nourishing, ䷚ Fire Rat
*Not as supportive to Horses

The 3 star which can bring arguments and disagreements becomes quite powerful in the North sector this year so if this is an area you spend a great deal of time in do take note. If you find that disagreements and altercations are increasing you may want to reduce the amount of time you spend here. On a positive note, this star can be used for learning, study, and education so using this sector can support those endeavors just take precautions against squabbles and disagreements.

Afflictions: Grand Duke North 2, Rat Sector, NO RENOVATIONS

Star 1 – Nobility
Hexagram – 6 Litigation/Contention, ䷅ Metal Goat
*Not as supportive to Ox

The Northeast sector is visited this year by the positive and timely Star 1 which brings Nobility for one self and Nobleman help as well. This is a great area to use if you are looking to cultivate support and it is great for future wealth creation as well. An added bonus in this sector is the Sun Star with the Ox and the Sky Horse with the Tiger as both can assist you in overcoming obstacles and to get moving to make things happen.

Positive Attributes: Sun Star Northeast 1, Ox Sector

Positive Attributes: Sky Horse, Northeast 3, Tiger Sector

Star 5: Challenges & Problems
Hexagram 60 Limitation, ䷻ Earth Rooster
*Not as supportive to Rabbit

The East is the challenging sector as the negative 5 Yellow Star is visiting for the year. If you can avoid using this area for the year do so. If you have an entrance door here use an alternate entrance if possible. If your office is located in this sector consider doing your work in another area. If you cannot avoid using this sector you can add a metal cure or salt cure to help reduce the power of the five.

Afflictions: 5 Yellow Star, NO RENOVATIONS

The Volatile 5 Yellow is located in this sector this year which means there should be no renovations or ground disturbances in this sector this year. If unavoidable then please consult with a professional for a date to perform the work that can mitigate negative effects.

Positive Attributes: Moon, E2, Rabbit Sector – DO NOT ACTIVATE because you will also activate the 5 Yellow!

Star 6 – Power, Authority, Status
Hexagram 11 Unity, ䷊ Metal Dragon
*Not as supportive to Dogs

The Southeast is a very beneficial area this year. Star 6 brings power, status and clout and in the Southeast a special combination of energy is formed that can bring financial gains as well. This sector also benefits networking and making good connections with others. It’s an ideal sector for an office, bedroom or entrance door the key is to use it as much as possible.

Star 2 – Illness, Property
Hexagram – 45 Gathering, ䷬ Water Dog
*Not as supportive to Dragons

Star 2 is transitioning from an untimely star into an more timely one as we approach the start of period 9. At this point in time it is still somewhat of a mixed bag. Those who are weak or vulnerable may want to avoid sleeping in the South as they may be more prone to illness. However, those who work in real estate or earth related fields like insurance this is an excellent place to work as Star 2 is very powerful in the South palace and this could translate into support for those endeavors. Just take care not to renovate or disturb the ground in this sector.

Afflictions: San Sha or 3 Killings & Year Breaker, NO RENOVATIONS

Star 4 – Creativity, Artistry, Romance
Hexagram 50 Cauldron, ䷱ Earth Horse
*Not as supportive to Rats

Star 4 is about creation and creativity making this a great sector for starting new projects and productions this year. Creation in all of its forms is given a boost by the Cauldron hexagram which is about creating the new from the alchemy of the cauldron. This is an ideal area for a craft or painting studio or even a place to put the book that’s inside you onto the paper.  Star 4 is also about romance and those who have a bedroom here could find new romance as well as the re-kindling of existing relationships. For those in a relationship, do be careful of 3rd party interference as this too could be triggered by Star 4 depending on the external factors and what energy is one’s BaZi for the year; the key is to keep lines of communication open!

Positive Attributes: Dragon Virtue Star, SW1, Goat Sector

Star 9 – Joy, Fulfillment, Happy Events, Future Wealth
Hexagram – 55 Abundance, ䷶ Earth Tiger
*Not as supportive to Monkeys

Star 9 brings many positive and joyful events and activities. As we approach period 9 this is also the secondary wealth sector and can bring promotions as well as salary increases. When Star 9 visits the West a special ‘Peach Blossom’ combination is formed in this sector. This energy can generate romantic attraction or even lusty dalliances. However, the ‘Peach Blossom’ energy can also be great for networking and marketing as it can boost your power of charisma and appeal. Just take care in how you use it.

Positive Attributes: Fortune Virtue Star, West 2, Rooster Sector

Star 7 – Competition, Rivalry, Theft
Hexagram – 54 Marrying Maiden ䷵ Water Rabbit
*Not as supportive to Roosters

Star 7 is currently an untimely star which can bring rivalry, competition or even loss of wealth or personal property. As this star is located in the center this year it is best to keep this area of your home open, uncluttered and quiet. If you have a room located in this area it might be a good idea to leave it quiet and spend time elsewhere if possible. Overall, it’s fine to pass through as most do in the center of a home just don’t stay here for long periods of time as things that you expected to go well will not turn out as you hoped. Spend your time in a more positive area for important activities.

Want More Information?
If you would like more specific and in-depth information about how the new year will impact your home or office, you can schedule a Feng Shui consultation please contact  me for more information at

If you would like to study Feng Shui in a more formal way, contact me for information about my next Feng Shui Professional Certificate Course.