Teaching Water Dowsing in Saratoga Springs

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Last week I had the the honor and privilege of teaching the water dowsing school at the American Society of Dowsers convention with my dear friend Kim Stauffer and my teachers and mentors Bill Getz and Leroy Bull.  Bill and Leroy are true masters who have each dowsed literally thousands of water wells over the last 50+ years.

Bill Getz demonstrating water dowsing techniques with L Rods
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Leroy Bull demonstrating how to dowse with a Y Rod

This year the convention took place in Saratoga Springs, NY, a place unique in all of the world for its many healing waters and springs.  We had the opportunity not only to dowse for water but to differentiate what kind of water we were searching for based on its mineral and healing contents.   These photos were taken during one of our field trips at Anne’s Washington Inn which has many different types of water veins, including mineral springs, on its property.  Many thanks to our host Joe for his hospitality – if you ever need a place to stay in Saratoga Springs I highly recommend his lovely inn.

Kim helping a class member search for water with L Rods

The water dowsing school was a great opportunity for me to share what I have learned over the last few years and also to learn more from my teachers’ experiences and technical knowledge of the drilling process.  Most importantly, experiencing the extraordinary waters in Saratoga Springs has given me a new perspective and understanding on the importance of water not only for sustenance but for health and healing as well.

Teaching how to dowse for water using L rods

Water is one of the most important issues of our time and it is so important to pass on this knowledge and keep the ancient and vital practice of water divining alive – I am blessed and humbled to do this important work.

For more information or for water well location services in upstate NY please visit Bill Getz’s website: http://www.getzgoodwater.com

To contact Kim Stauffer for water dowsing in the Berkshires please visit her site: http://thrivefengshui.com