Month of the Wood Rooster

Month of the Wood Rooster

September 7 – October 7
The month of the Wood Rooster arrives this week bringing us to the mid point of autumn, and the metal of this season intensifies. The quality of metal is to condense and draw inward and focus. This month we leave behind the carefree nature of summer and begin to focus once more on work and studies. 

The imagery of the Wood Rooster pillar is of ivy  or creeping vines fighting to gain a foot hold and survive. This pillar is one of hard work, determination and survival at all costs. In the current climate of strife and uncertainty we may find ourselves clinging like vines to what is stable around us and doing what we must to survive the challenges confronting us. However, we must not to let hard times harden us and remember how vital our connections with others are. This month don’t let survival cut the joy from your life, be sure to make time for the people who are important to you, those connections are what make life worth living. 

The hexagram for this month is #33 called RetreatThe imagery of this hexagram is of a high mountain reaching to heaven, far above the chaos and turmoil of the world below and out of the reach of danger. The advice of this hexagram is that when we are confronted with darkness and difficulty over which we have no control, the best way handle such situations is to withdraw from the challenge and conserve our strength. This retreat is not giving up but a chance to rest and prepare for advancement in a more advantageous time. Before the Phoenix can rise again it must spend time in the ashes. We too must pull back and draw inward this month before taking flight once more.  

4 Pillars of Destiny Astrology
November 17-20, 2020 

This course will give you the foundational information you need to read and interpret 4 Pillars Astrology Charts to better understand yourself for personal growth and transformation, and to read the charts of others as well. This will be both an in person and live streamed course and will take place in Pittsfield, MA.

Feng Shui Certificate Course
Dates TBD

For more information about our upcoming courses please email or visit

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If you would like more in-depth monthly energy information including best Feng Shui sectors and Auspicious Dates for taking action, you can subscribe to my Premium Monthly Forecasts for only $5/month! See link in sidebar or email me at for more information.