Month of the Wood Rabbit


The month of the Rabbit arrives tomorrow and marks the mid-point of spring. The Wood Rabbit is Yin Wood over Yin Wood –  pure Yin Wood energy. Yin Wood represents small plants, vines and beautiful, delicate flowers which come to life this season and flower once more. Wood energy is also the element of growth, expansion and movement so we can expect this energy of growth and expansion which began last month to continue to gain momentum this month. A great deal of energy is now available to put things into motion and branch out!

The Rabbit and the Dog share a special relationship and when they come together, as they do this month and year, they combine their energies to create fire. This means that expansion and growth undertaken this month can be productive and bear fruit. It also means that hidden fire, the element of passion, anger and change, is going to affect everyone so it is possible for emotional undercurrents to erupt in arguments or heated exchanges both at home or work and in the world at large.

The Yin Wood of the month and the Yang Earth of the year are at odds however, so this could be a month where more earthquakes and eruptions make the news.      

The hexagram for this month is #19 called Arriving or ApproachingThe imagery for this hexagram is of Earth over Lake, pictorially it is the image of one overlooking a lake. In terms of energy it symbolizes yang energy on the rise and in the process of growing and expanding. Approaching hexagram is about approaching greatness and good opportunities for success arriving at this time. This is a very auspicious hexagram and its message is about using the rising yang energy to prepare oneself for greatness. This is an important time for self cultivation and personal growth, a time to become who you were meant to be. Now is the time to act and make things happen because the energy is there to propel you forward. The energy of this moment in time can help you achieve greatness but only if you take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves and act!


Wood Rabbit Month March 5 – April 4


Rooster People: This is your clash month and you could experience both challenges and changes especially on Rabbit days which are March 12 & 24.

Do you want to know which animals are in your chart? You can now view your chart for FREE using the NEW Astrology Chart Calculator on my website:

*If you have an important event like a wedding, construction start, move in date, or business launch to plan it is best to have a personalized date selection analysis to ensure the best outcome for YOU.


March 25, Fire Dragon Day (Clash to Dog)

Not only is this a Month Breaker day but also a day with a very negative Dong Gong rating and no positive stars to mitigate. However, it is a Sunday and a Remove Day which makes it a perfect day to stay home, lay low, clean out the closets, and remove unwanted items from your space. An inauspicious day but a good day for spring cleaning.


March 20, Metal Pig Day (Clash to Snake)

A Success Day and a Three Star Dong Gong Rating: a day that brings success for all activities except for legal action and it is not a particularly good day for a wedding.


The best sector this month is the Southwest. The visiting monthly 1 Star creates an auspicious combination with the annual 6 Star which is great for networking and business communications. Use this sector if you want to connect with the right people who can help you find new opportunities and help you with career advancement.

The worst sector for the year is the North, and this month the 9 Star visits this sector making the annual 5 Yellow Star even more volatile. It would be wise to keep this area as quiet as possible.

If you find this information intriguing and wish to learn more, there is still time to register for my upcoming Feng Shui Training course which begins, April 14, 2018. Please visit our webpage for more information.