Month of the Wood Monkey

Month of the Wood Monkey

August 7 – September 6

As we leave behind the emotional month of the Goat we must now shift our focus from our inner landscape to our outer world. The month of the Monkey invites us to roll up our sleeves and become more efficient and to get things done. The world as we know it may be on pause but life must go on and this month we must work out how to transform and overhaul our lives to find a way forward  in this new reality.

Like metal chopping wood the process of transformation may be uncomfortable but we must build that bridge to a new future or be left behind. Do you have the courage to cross to that new shore? 

The hexagram for this month is #64 called Not Yet Accomplished or Not Yet FulfilledThis hexagram is the final hexagram of the I Ching and essentially it tells us that even when it seems have reached a conclusion there is always a new event on the horizon. Such is the nature of life that as one thing ends another must begin as the only constant in life is change. This year has been a massive re-set for everyone on the planet and it seems one way of life has ended. This hexagram tells us that rather than dwell on the ending we must turn our attention to new beginnings and new opportunities which are on the horizon and ask ourselves what new future do we want to build?

4 Pillars of Destiny Astrology
November 17-20, 2020 

This course will give you the foundational information you need to read and interpret 4 Pillars Astrology Charts to better understand yourself for personal growth and transformation, and to read the charts of others as well. This will be both an in person and live streamed course and will take place in Pittsfield, MA.

Feng Shui Certificate Course
Dates TBD

For more information about our upcoming courses please email americanacademymetaphysics@yahoo.comor visit

Want to thrive in challenging times?
If you would like more in-depth monthly energy information including best Feng Shui sectors and Auspicious Dates for taking action, you can subscribe to my Premium Monthly Forecasts for only $5/month! See link in sidebar or email me at for more information.