Month of the Water Dog

Month of the Water Dog
October 8 – November 7
The month of the Water Dog arrives on October 8 bringing in a bit of a reprieve after an intense clash month. It also ushers in the final month of the autumn season of metal element. This is a transitional time which prepares us for the colder darker winter season which will arrive in November.

The special relationship between the Dog month and the Rabbit year has a synergy to it which tends to create fire. This fire could bring a sense of hope and optimism as well as passion and anger so we may see signs of both play out in the markets as well as in the political sphere.

The Yang water of this month is Neptune, powerful ocean water which when combined with the Yin water of this year could stir up issues with water environmentally with a greater likelihood of water related storms such as hurricane and flooding.

The Dog also known as Aries in the Western Zodiac, has a combative intensity and a destructive nature. The intensity of the Dog serves an important purpose which is to assist us in getting rid of the old and unnecessary in order to make space for new and better conditions. This process of letting go and surrendering to destruction is never easy and the feelings of discomfort or even pain often necessitates the need for solitude and stillness as well. This month is a great time for a fall clean out – whether it takes the shape of donations of old clothing and household items, releasing relationships which are not serving or even shedding a few pounds, let the Dog bury what you no longer need.

The hexagram this month is #45 Gathering the image of waters gathering upon the earth to form a great lake which is also the symbolic image of the Water Dog pillar of this month. This hexagram is all about coming together and gathering groups of people together which can be contrary to the Dog’s solitary nature. This is a good month to find a healthy balance between needing time and space to oneself and the importance of connecting with your community and tribe. If your social calendar is quiet this month do seek out places and spaces to connect with others – maybe you host a gathering of your own. As they say many hands make light work so find strength in numbers this month rather than try to battle through the destruction of this month alone. 

2024 is quickly approaching, and I am excited to announce several new events and courses for the powerful and spiritual Wood Dragon year!

Sacred Fire Scotland 
A Yoga & Spiritual Retreat, Isles of Skye & Lewis, Scotland,
9 Days, June 15-June 22, 2024

Scotland is calling! Will you heed the call? 

Ignite your inner fire and radiance on a journey of transformation through the mystical sites on Isles of Skye. Activate your power with a Summer Solstice ceremony, and culminate your experience taking in the full moon at the Callanish Standing Stone Circle on the Isle of Lewis. Includes daily yoga, meditation, breath work, metaphysical teachings, and all weather outdoor explorations. Space is limited.

For more information or to reserve your spot please visit:

If you have wanted to learn more about Chinese Astrology or Feng Shui the New Year will bring two opportunities to study this powerful information! Early bird pricing for both courses is still available so be sure to reserve your space as soon as possible.

BaZi 4 Pillars of Destiny: Foundations in Chinese Astrology

Online and In-Person, February 24-27

Feng Shui Professional Certificate Course
Module 1 Online April 20-22, Module 2 Online May 4-6, Module 3 In-Person May 18-20 in the Berkshires of Western, MA

For more information please visit: