Month of the Metal Snake

May 5 – June 4

The golden Metal Snake month ushers in the season of Fire, a much needed element in this year of the Metal Rat. The snake is an animal that is associated with change and transformation, as well as land and earth where it makes its home. It is the only reptilian animal of the Chinese Zodiac and as a reptile relies on the heat of the sun so it is fitting that it should be the first month of the summer season. 

The arrival of the summer season may offer some relief for the Coronavirus illness not necessarily because heat kills the virus but because the energy of fire is needed to balance the cold/damp elements of the Metal Rat year. This means that the illness may be less aggressive or the rate of infection may lessen during the summer season.

Additionally, this year, the Snake carries with it the Month Virtue Star which helps to reduce the severity of negativity and brings the ability to rectify problems. Therefore, this month we may find new solutions to the problems we are facing we may also see new and innovative ways to treat the illness or adapt within the confines of our circumstances. As Metal Snake is metal and fire we may see new forms of technology coming forward to treat the illness or to assist us with coping and managing the quarantine. It is also likely that those with a Snake in their chart will be instrumental at providing new solutions in these challenging times as this star comes into its power this month.

While there may be some improvement during this month and the summer season in general, we should not become too complacent and let our guard down as we may see a resurgence of the illness coming as soon as the end of July or beginning of August. We must take this opportunity to make hay while the sun shines as the saying goes and also prepare for the potential of more challenges as we head into the fall. As people who live in cold climates know we should enjoy the warmth of summer while also storing hay and chopping wood for the winter. 

The hexagram for this month is #14 Great Reward or Great Harvest. The imagery of this hexagram is Fire above Heaven and symbolizes the sun shining brightly in the sky. In the darkness of this year this hexagram offers a ray of hope and illumination and is an extremely positive hexagram. It tells us that we can be aware of hardship and yet be able to repress evil and promote goodness if we have humility and subdue our pride. This hexagram is yet a further indication that we may have a reprieve in the midst of this hardship. This month we are able to benefit as a whole from acts of courage and good leadership even in a time when darkness and evil seems to reign. As Mr. Rogers said always look for the helpers. I would add look for signs of hope and goodness around us as we will see more signs of light this month. 

I am now, as always, available for one on one private astrology and oracle readings as well as one-on-one study for those who wish to learn more about Chinese Metaphysics. If you have not yet had an annual review of your personal Astrology or Feng Shui for the Rat year now is a great time to get a fresh perspective on how you can empower yourself to make the most of the energy available to you. Email me at to schedule your session.

Looking strategic tools to thrive in challenging times?
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BaZi – 4 Pillars of Destiny Astrology, 4 Day Course 
October 15-18, 2020

For more information about this in-person and  live-streaming course, or other one-on-one distance learning opportunities, please email or visit