Month of the Metal Dragon

April 5 – May 4 

The Metal Dragon is a golden dragon. The imagery of this pillar is of a sword and shield as it is also one of the 4 Fei Kong or ‘General Star’ pillars. Think courageous knight or fierce army general, both are apt analogies. This is a tough, no-nonsense pillar ready for battle – a pillar suited to the challenges of our time.

We are now indeed engaged in a world wide war. Thankfully, we are not at war with our fellow man but united against a common enemy which is the Coronavirus illness. With the energy of this decisive, disciplined pillar with us this month we will like see more military intervention and might in fighting this disease. This is not a month for defense but a month to strategize and go on the offense taking strong action to combat this pandemic.

The hexagram for this month is #11 Unity is one the most auspicious hexagrams of the I Ching. The hexagram is of Earth over Heaven moving toward one another to unite their energies. This hexagram signals a time of unity and cooperation, of joining forces and working together. The message of this hexagram is that we must all work in unison to affect change and gain the upper hand against this pandemic. As I said in last month’s forecast, it is always human action that makes the difference and this month we should all work together in what ever way is necessary for the common good. The Unity hexagram is also called Peace and reminds us that while we may be physically apart our spirit of unity can bring the world together and that is certainly an auspicious and hopeful sign. 

This month may we all summon the strength of the formidable pillar and work together to turn the tide. It is our actions this month which will determine to what extent the fire months of summer are able to assist us to overcome this global challenge. The time for action and unity is now. May you all be safe and well!

Looking for a strategy and tools to thrive in these challenging times?
My premium monthly forecasts contain Feng Shui activations and powerful date information as well as Qi Men Dun Jia manifesting tools that you can use to give yourself an advantage in these challenging times. The Dragon month is particularly powerful and ripe with energy to tap into. A yearly subscription is only $5/month but the empowering information is invaluable!
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BaZi – 4 Pillars of Destiny Astrology, 4 Day Course 
October 15-18, 2020

For more information about this live and in person course, or one-on-one distance learning opportunities, please email or visit