Month of the Earth Rabbit
March 5 – April 3
The Earth Rabbit pillar is the imagery of cultivated flowers or garden plants grown in neat, orderly rows. These are not wild flowers free to grow as they will, but plants grown with human’s imposed control over nature. These are plants cultivated and grown within boundaries and restrictions.
Indeed this month, the theme of restriction and boundaries will loom large as the hexagram for this month is #60 Limitation which is Water over Lake. The imagery of this hexagram is of a lake that has flooded with water spilling out over its shores. In instances like this where things have gone out of control boundaries and restrictions are necessary to bring order to chaos, and to bring situations that have gone out of control back into balance.
The COVID-19 virus has now spilled out of China reaching virtually every nation on our planet, much like a lake overflowing its banks. How to impose limitations and restrict this illness is on the top of everyone’s mind. No matter where in the world we live the idea of how much to restrict and limit our activities will be something each person will be considering this month. The advice of hexagram #60 is that some restriction is necessary for the good of all, but too much restriction is harmful. This month will see these themes play out from the national governmental level to the community and individual level and we must all weigh what is an appropriate and healthy amount of limitation to impose upon our activities.
In terms of the energy, we are not likely to see much relief this month. The Flying Stars for the Rabbit month are doubled in each sector which intensifies the energy, what is good is doubly good and what it already bad is also doubled. This means that the intensification of energy this month may worsen the outbreak. Places with good restrictions and precautions in place may see continued improvement while those without good containment may see the situation worsen.
Those with Tiger, Horse, Snake, Monkey, Dog or Pig in their 4 Pillars or BaZi chart have lower immunity this year and should take steps now to bolster immunity by reducing stress, getting enough rest, and getting good nutrition. Those sleeping or working in the East should seriously consider moving those important activities to another sector this month especially. Last but certainly not least, if you are looking for a boost activating the annual Nobleman Stars (except for the Rabbit Sector) can also offer you more support.
This month, be proactive in taking care of yourself and your loved ones, use common sense, and most importantly don’t panic. If you would like more specific Feng Shui and Date Selection information be sure to subscribe to my Premium Forecasts.
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