Month of the Earth Ox

January 5 – February 2

Never in our lifetime has a New Year been as eagerly anticipated as 2021, even the hype of Y2K seems to pale in comparison. While we are weary of this year on the eve of 2021, keep in mind that we still have one month left in the Rat year to navigate. So, don’t expect to see a big shift in energy just yet!

The Ox month is always a transitional month. It’s a time when the energy of the previous year is weakening and the energy of the new year is making its presence felt. This is particularly true this month as the Ox is also the Zodiac sign for the coming year. This month be sure to pay attention to the themes and situations that arise for you as it will give you some clues as to what you can expect in the coming year.

The image of the Earth Ox is of a large field where crops are grown. For millennia Oxen have been synonymous with the toil of agriculture,  tilling the soil and working the earth to produce the harvest. This Ox month will be a month of hard work and effort, of taking actions now which will bear fruit in time. The Earth Ox while it represents a large field, it is a large frozen winter field where roots and shoots lie hidden in the soil. It is not easy to work frozen earth and many things will remain hidden from view this month so don’t let the lack of obvious progress or lack of quick answers deter you!

Just what this month has in store for you depends on your 4 Pillars chart:
Wood Daymasters – your hardwork can produce profit 
Fire Daymasters – you can be extremely productive and creative 
Earth Daymasters – you can make meaningful connections with others
Metal Daymasters – you can receive support and learn new skills
Water Daymasters – you can take responsibility and show leadership

Don’t know your Daymaster element? Look it up here:

The hexagram for this month is #25 Without Wrongdoing or Without Falsehood. The message of this hexagram is quite simple, that no matter the circumstances one should always adhere to the truth. The commentary goes on to say that the will of Heaven favors the truthful and cautions that if one is untruthful there will be trouble. As the Buddha said, ‘three things cannot be long hidden, the sun, the moon, and the truth’.  At the end of a year when dishonesty and blatant lies seem to have won the day it is heartening to be reminded that the truth is always revealed sooner or later and that indeed the truth shall set us free. This month as we enter the illumination of Period 9, and the literal dawning of the Age of Aquarius, we may begin to see liars face their consequences, let that give us hope. 

If you have not yet signed up there is still time to register for both my annual Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology online workshops for the Year of the Metal Ox. Join me to find out what you need to know to transcend limitations and make the most of the New Year’s opportunities! 
To register visit:

For those seeking one-on-one support to prepare for the New Year I am currently scheduling annual review sessions for both Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology during the month of January and February. For more information or to book a session please email me at
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