Month of the Earth Dog

The Month of the Earth Dog brings us to the close of the autumn season and prepares us for the final quarter of the year in the Chinese calendar. The energy of the Earth Dog may feel familiar, in fact the energy of the last few months has been a revisit of the energy of the last sevearal years -coming back like ghosts of years past. The review of old energy has been giving us a chance to take one last look at the lessons of those years and to assimilate them. The energy of the Earth Dog brings us the energy of 2018 and the coming months will bring us the energy of 2019, 2020, and this year until we reach a turning point in February at the start of the Water Tiger year.

Use this month and the months ahead to tidy up loose ends of the last few years. It is an ideal time to gain perspective on what you learned from the experiences of preceding years so that your energy is cleaned up and you have a fresh clean slate to catapult forward into a brighter future at the start of the new year on February 4. As Churchill said “those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it” so learn what you can from this time especially if you don’t want to repeat the lessons. On a more positive note, do take note of what did work well for you these last few years as well and think about ways you might expand upon those successes in the years ahead.

The hexagram for this month is #15 Humiliy which uses the imagery of a mighty mountain subordinating itself to the lowly Earth to exemplify an image of humility. The mountain knows that is has the power and does not need to engage in shows of strength or to lord its power over others, it does not need to. As Margaret Thatcher said, “being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren’t” True power is in restraint and in using one’s position of strength to lift others up. This month own your power but not in a boastful way, quiet strength wins the day. 

Not only is humility a virtue to aspire to but also an ideal way to navigate interactions with others this month as there could be some trying moments. The three Zodiac signs which form a ‘Bully Punishment’ are the Ox, Goat and Dog. This Dog Month in an Ox year will likely trigger this challenging combination and those with any of these zodiac signs in their charts should be particularly cautious in dealing with others. Before you respond to harsh behavior or proceed to respond in kind, just remember that the energy of the month is exerting its influence and that once said words can’t be taken back. It’s a good month to take a beat at least before responding.

I am excited will be offering several new opportunities to learn more about Chinese Metaphysics and will be offering the following workshops and classes:
4 Pillars for Health, Wealth & Relationships
California Institute of Human Science, Continuing Education Program
Wednesday, October 6, 9 pm EST/6 pm PST, via ZOOM
Register here:

Xuan Kong Da Gua – The Power of Connection, November 20-22, 2021, with Pamila Faye
Advanced Feng Shui course, for more information or to register, please email me at or visit:

October 8 – November 6