Forecast: Month of the Dragon

Water Dragon Month April 4 – May 4

il_570xN.663414189_qda3This month starts with the 2 week “season” called, Clear and Bright and ends with the season called Grain Rain which is akin to the saying “April showers bring May flowers”.  No doubt that this Water Dragon month will bring some much needed water both literally and energetically speaking.

The water of this month should help to put a damper on flaring tempers, violence and acerbic rhetoric that has made headlines of late.  The Dragon also has a special relationship with the Monkey of the year that encourages and supports water.  So, this should be a month where wisdom, communication and diplomacy will be more effective.

The Dragon is special as it is the only mythical or celestial animal in the Chinese zodiac.  The Dragon represents, wisdom, transformation as well as royalty as it is the symbol of the emperors.  Dragons are also symbols for the powerful forces of nature.  In fact in Feng Shui, Dragons also called Long or Lung, refer to mountain ranges and waterways like rivers.  The water Dragon is particularly wise and we can tap into that power this month!

The Hexagram for this month is #26 Great Accumulation. This is a time when great power is available to you but it should not be paraded boastfully, so don’t overdo it.  This is a good time to use your strength to gather or accumulate knowledge and skills as well as resources and assets.  Now is the time to get out and build your network, form alliances, hone your skills, and make a plan because this will pave the way to great achievement.

The hexagram for the year #40 Relief, says that hard times don’t last forever and if you find your self in a tough spot the best way to obtain relief this month is by going out and tapping into all the resources that are available to you – they are there even if they are not readily apparent.

Important Dates

Dog People: this is your clash month so use caution, especially on Dragon days which are April 4, 16 & 28.  Keep your head down and eyes on the prize.

Here are the days that are generally inauspicious for everyone, these are days to use caution and not good for important events or activities.

Month Breaker:  April 10, 22, a day of caution for all. (Clash to Dragon people)
Year Breaker:  April 14, 26, use caution in general.  (Clash to Monkey people)

These are the days that are generally lucky for everyone, except those who clash with it, and great days to plan important activities.

Success Days: April 12, 24, brings good outcomes for most endeavors except for starting legal action.  Ox year people will benefit most from these days. (Clash to Horse people)
Remove Days: 
 April 5, 17, 29good day to let go of what no longer serves you and to remove obstacles. Great days for Spring Cleaning and Spring Clean-Ups! (Clash to Pig people)
Initiate Days:  April 9, 21, in keeping with the theme of re-birth in spring, Initiate days are good for starting new things and new beginnings. (Clash to Rabbit people)

*Don’t know what animals are in your chart?  Contact me for a personalized astrological chart reading!

Feng Shui 

Central Palace or Tai Qi: The #2 Illness star is in this sector all year and a fire star is visiting here this month which will tend to exacerbate things causing stomach and digestive problems.  Adding lucky bamboo or plants rooted in water would be welcome in this sector this month.

Northeast:  This month the #3 argument star visits this already negative area making things a bit worse.  So please remember to keep this area of your home quiet if possible – NO construction. If your bedroom or front door is here add more metal here and have patience.

Northwest: While this is not a generally great sector for the year this month the #1 water star is visiting and creates an energy that supports learning and travel.  This is a good place to study this month.

Southwest:  This is one of the best sectors for the year and this month things are even better as a lovely wealth and authority combination is formed here.  My advice is find the Southwest area of your home and spend as much time here as possible – if you have a door here use it!

Many thanks to Marta of Star Ship Studio for allowing me to use her adorable water dragon image for this post. This original water dragon artwork is available for purchase using this link!

I hope the Grain Rain waters your dreams this month!