Month of the Earth Tiger:
Welcome Wood Snake Year
February 3 – March 4
With Lunar New Year celebrations still in full swing, the Solar month of the Earth Tiger arrives on February 3 at 9:11 am EST, ushering in Li Chun or Coming of Spring, Imbolc in the Celtic Wheel of the Year, and the full force of the Wood Snake Year. We officially enter the spring season and can say goodbye to the harsh winter and the tumultuous Dragon year, though we can’t let our guard down just yet. As anyone who lives in the Northern regions can tell, February still feels like winter, and the start of the Snake year may also feel like a continuation of the Dragon year.
The relationship between the Tiger Zodiac sign and the Snake Zodiac sign creates a Harm’ dynamic. While this can bring some physical harm, its impact tends to be more internal, causing emotional or psychological pain and distress. There are echoes of this effect in May of 2022 as the Snake month interacted similarly in the Tiger year, and many of those harms are still hurting. While Harm may not be as physically impactful as the ‘Destruction’ month of January, a broken heart can hurt more and last longer than a broken arm. Sometimes, we don’t see the wounds that cause the most damage.
The Period 9 Fires are burning and bringing massive existential changes to the planet and humanity. The rapid pace of changes we are experiencing collectively has brought uncertainty and fear regardless of which side of the widening political divide one is on, as change is rarely a comfortable process. This month, events are likely to unfold, which may continue to cause emotional distress and pain for many.
The antidote to a ‘Harm’ is release as a harm can only hurt us if we hold onto it. This month, rather than suffering in silence, communicate with a loved one and talk it out. Channel that pain into creative expression get into your body through physical activity, or spend more time being soothed by Mother Nature. This is also an ideal month to neutralize old hurts by reaching out, making amends, and extending the olive branch where needed. Be kind and give those around you more grace and patience, as you never know what folks are carrying inside them.
The astronomical shift that occurred on February 3 also created the birth chart of this Wood Snake year in the same way a chart is designed for a person, though the annual chart is based on the CST time zone. The chart for this year indicates an imbalance of elements, with the first half generally being more optimistic and financially stable than the second half. Since the Harmful relationship between the Snake Year Pillar and the Tiger Month Pillar is in the chart as a whole, we may find the events of this month set the stage for and color our experience for the first half of this year from February through July.
Water and Wood are the dominant elements; this is an ideal year for education and innovation as three pillars contain ‘Growth’ Stars and the fourth is academic. Earth, Metal, and Fire related industries are weaker and may see lackluster performance this year. However, education and improving one’s skill set are always suitable investments, no matter what industry you are in, and they are a great way to make the most of the dominant energies of this year. There will also be an over abundance of information this year, so be discerning in deciding what information is real, useful, and of value for you.

The I Ching hexagram of this month is #55 called ‘Abundance’. Thunder and Lightning combine in this hexagram to illustrate an abundance of energy, symbolizing great power and might. Thunder and lightning are manifestations of heavenly fire, light that can be useful for gaining insight and clarity; it can also have a generative effect. The question this month is how best to channel this power. Having power helps affect change and move things forward, but anyone who holds great power must also take great care when wielding it, as it is easy to overdo it. While this potent hexagram is generally considered quite positive, it also comes with a warning. The peak energy illustrated by this hexagram describes the zenith of power, and to borrow a colloquial saying, when you are at the top, there is only one way forward: down. For those at the top, it will take even more energy and care to stay on top. This hexagram reminds us of the law of nature described by the theory of Yin Yang: when something reaches its peak, it begins to decline. This month especially, those with power would do well not to rest on their laurels or become too self-satisfied. This hexagram, of course, can be applied not only to human behavior but to other conditions as well. This month, consider how to use power to reach higher and innovate when the tide turns.
One way to harness power to assist you is by working with the Qi Men Dun Jia spiritual energies to gain support for your plans and aspirations this year. For those who have learned the meditation technique to work with these energies, here are the directions of the eight spiritual qualities available during the Wood Snake Year:
Chief – East
9 Heavens – Southeast
9 Earth – Earth
Black Tortoise – Southwest
White Tiger – West
6 Harmony – Northwest
Great Moon – North
Snake – Northeast
Feng Shui & Chinese Astrology for Wood Snake Year
If you missed the live broadcast of my annual talk you can purchase the recording to find out what you need to know to make the most of the new year’s energy. You can register to receive the replay and the Feng Shui energy maps for The Snake Year here: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=24963388&appointmentType=73488166
Monthly Energy Workshops
For those who wish to go into greater depth exploring the monthly energies, I will be offering monthly online workshops to expand upon the insights in these monthly forecast to tell you more about the Feng Shui and astrological energies impacts for each month, and more importantly what it means for you. It will not only be a time to receive more information but also to ask questions and perhaps a little divination as well.
Monday, February 24, 2025 at 7:00 pm EST.
Single Class Drop-In Rate $27
Save $108 when you subscribe for a year:
The I Ching is an ancient divination system that has been providing insight and guidance for humanity for about 5,000 years. There are many ways to consult the I Ching, and many ways to use this knowledge for personal or business use to help you navigate a wide array of life’s challenges. Now more than ever having tools to bring greater awareness to your life’s journey will give you an advantage in creating your success. Join this day-long workshop to gain access this ancient wisdom for yourself! Please register with this link:https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=24963388&appointmentType=73481972
Friday, March 7 – Monday March 10, 2025
Online, 10 am – 5 pm EST Daily
Whether you want to train to become a professional astrologer or simply explore this ancient wisdom, this course will give you a solid foundation in 4 Pillars also known as BaZi Chinese astrology. 4 Pillars chart decoding is a critical skill for Feng Shui consultants and an incredibly useful tool for people from all walks of life and professions. A recording of the class sessions will be available for replay for a limited time. Early Bird discount of $1,999 is available until February 1, 2025, and a special 61% discount for returning students off the regular tuition who wish to review ahead of the advanced course in April. For information or to register please email me at bethgraceconsulting@gmail.com.
Friday, April 25 – Monday April 28, 2025
Online, 10 am – 5 pm EST Daily
This course is for those who wish to take a deeper dive into the 60 Pillars and to learn more sophisticated chart reading techniques. The 4 Pillars BaZi foundations course, or significant prior study, is a prerequisite for the Advanced Course. A recording of the class sessions will be available for replay for a limited time. Early Bird discount of $1,999 is available until February 15. For information or to register please email me at bethgraceconsulting@gmail.com.
Spiritual Retreat to Ireland, August 2025!
We invite you to join us in Ireland for the Celtic festival of Lughnasadh, a time to savor and celebrate the beginning of the harvest season with a feast for your soul. The magic of the Wicklow Mountains is the perfect cauldron to nourish both your body and spirit with daily yoga, excursions to mystical sites, spiritual and metaphysical teachings, and delicious meals shared with friends. Retreat pricing includes lodging, meals, excursions, and programming. Spa services are available but not included. Only, 2 spots remain, so be sure to reserve your spot as soon as possible! For more information please visit: https://bethgracefengshui.com/retreats/