Earth Dog Annual Forecast: Feng Shui


Feng Shui is not a once and done endeavor, but an ever changing alignment of people to places that takes into account the energy of the person and the energy of place in a given moment in time.

Energy is constantly in motion and we need to move with it in order to reap the maximum Feng Shui benefits from our spaces.

Now that you know what the energy of the year has in store for you based on your astrology chart, you can make a game plan for what areas of your life you want to focus on this year. Write down what goals you want to accomplish and identify what area of your home or office best supports those goals and move yourself accordingly.

If you have not already done so, the first step is to identify where  each of the 9 sectors are in your home by using a compass (smart phone compass works well) and superimposing the 8 directions on your home’s floor plan like the image below. Once that is done you can figure out where in your home or office the energy you need to succeed is.

Knowing what areas you want to avoid or keep quiet is just as important as knowing which areas you want to use the most so check which areas of your home the Yearly Afflictions fall into first.

Yearly Afflictions:

If you are thinking about renovating an area of your home or an addition it is always best to check that the areas you want to improve are not in the following sectors:

  • Northwest 1 Dog Sector between 292.6 – 307.5 degrees Northwest as the Grand Duke is here and we don’t want to “offend” the Grand Duke by disturbing this area.
  • Southeast 1 Dragon Sector between 112.6 – 127.5 degrees southeast as this is the Year Breaker sector which clashes with the energy of the year and a sector that should be kept quiet – no renovations here.
  • The entire North sector as it contains the San Sha or the ‘Three Killings’ as well as annual 5 Yellow Star – this area is doubly bad this year so LEAVE IT QUIET.

Here are the sectors where the energy is not as positive this year, these are the sectors to avoid or limit your activity in if possible.

The Negative Sectors:

Northeast: 3 Star The “Argument” star is in this sector which can bring more than the usual amount of tension and discord between people in a household or office environment. Shouting matches and disagreements can be quelled with extra communication. It is best to spend less time in this area if possible or you may also add actual fire by way of candles to suppress this negative star. *Please do not leave candles unattended!

West: 2 Star We have been calling the 2 Star the “Illness” star for some time now but as we move closer to period 9 this star is in transition from a negative one to a positive one.  The 2 Star is a mixed bag at this point. If you or a loved one are vulnerable to illness either from age, a preexisting condition or vulnerability based on their astrology chart for the year it would be better to avoid this area, especially if it is a bedroom. I would recommend sleeping elsewhere this year.  If however you are someone who works in real estate or with property this star could actually give you a boost and would be great for an office.

East: 7 Star This star is often called the “Robbery” star and can mean actual robbery or theft but it most often brings unhealthy competition, especially in the workplace, as well general discord and disharmony. For example if you are competing to win a client or contract you could be robbed of the opportunity by unfair or ugly competition. The 7 Star is quite incompatible with the wood element of the East sector as well, so the energy here this year is combative and aggressive best to steer clear if you can.  

North: 5 Yellow Star The 5 Yellow star is the most volatile and negative star of the 9 stars. When activated by activity or construction it tends to bring with it issues and potentially serious problems. Best advice in this regard is to treat it like a hornets nest and just leave it alone altogether. The 5 Yellow can also bring illness especially to someone who is already vulnerable when it is present in a bedroom. So, if your bedroom is in the North I would seriously consider sleeping in a different location this year – preferably one of the positive sectors if possible. If it is not possible to move then be sure to cure this area with metal and a salt water cure (click here for directions on how to make one.

The Positive Sectors:

South: 4 Star This is also called the peach blossom star and is the star of romance and general likability. It is also the star of artists, scholars and academics. This year the 4 Star is in its ideal setting and forms a special connection to the energy of this sector amplifying the positive energy here. This is a great sector to use if your goals this year include building your brand, better visibility and name recognition. It is also the ideal sector to use for those who are working on creative projects or learning new skills. This is an ideal place to set up a craft, work space or study area for your children. Last but certainly not least those looking for love should use this sector to meet more people and to attract more attention from potential romantic partners. The best way to activate this sector for love is to sleep here!

Northwest: 1 Star This is the ultimate Nobleman or helpful person or benefactor star. This year this star is in its ideal sector forming a special combination with energy here and boosting the power of this star and its ability to bring the right people and connections into your life. This star is also excellent for boosting ones ability to communicate both the written and spoken word. As the saying goes “its all who you know” and by activating this sector this year you can connect with the right people to help you reach your goals. The best way to make use of this sector is to do your work and communications here.

Southwest: 6 Star This star is one of power and authority, the star that helps one shine ones reputation and improve your standing within your field or community. If your goal this year is to get a promotion or assume greater responsibility or a position of prestige or honor, this is the sector you should activate. The best way to make use of this space and further your goals is to spend time working or sleeping in this sector.

Central Palace: 9 Star This is the star of all happy life events and brings glad tidings and blessings. When activated, this star can bring, career success, weddings, new babies, joyful events, and future wealth. This year it is in the central palace which infuses the heart of the home with this positive energy. Generally in Feng Shui it is our preference to keep the center of our homes open and spacious but if there is a part of the central sector where you can comfortably work or even meditate from time to time you can tap into this positive joyful energy.

Southeast: 8 Star This is the current wealth star and one we always want to track from year to year so we can tap into it to give our finances a boost. The best way to stimulate this positive Qi is with movement and activity making this a great sector to work or sleep in this year. If your front door or other entrance is here then coming and going through this door will also help you activate this energy. Since the wealth star is in the Southeast, a sector that is good to stimulate with water, this is also a great sector for a water fountain, just be sure to activate it on a good day and avoid any sectors that clash your chart (you may need to work with a professional to fine tune this).

If you need more assistance to help you align to and maximize the potential in your space just contact me. I wish you all a new year filled with many blessings!