Month of the Earth Ox

January 5 – February 2 Never in our lifetime has a New Year been as eagerly anticipated as 2021, even the hype of Y2K seems to pale in comparison. While we are weary of this year on the eve of 2021, keep in mind that we still have one month left in the Rat year to navigate. So, don’t expect… Continue reading Month of the Earth Ox

Categorized as Feng Shui

Month of the Earth Rat

December 7 – January 4 We are nearing the light at then of the tunnel namely the Metal Ox year but we are not there just yet and must remain vigilant, especially this month. That light is also a Covid vaccine which will become available for the first time but the pandemic will still have a significant toll on… Continue reading Month of the Earth Rat

Categorized as Feng Shui

Month of the Fire Pig

November 7 – December 6 I write today, the day after the U.S. election, a day and month with energy which favored Trump, but in a year whose energy favors Biden creating uncertainty which seems par for the course this year. We may have to wait until the end of this month which ends on Friday or even beyond to find out definitively which energy will prevail and to know who… Continue reading Month of the Fire Pig

Categorized as Feng Shui

Month of the Fire Dog

October 8 – November 6We close the season of autumn with the Fire Dog month, a powerful and fearsome pillar. This fiery heated earth pillar against the backdrop of a watery rat year provides an interesting contrast.  It is the imagery of a setting sun over a harsh desert landscape where a do or die attitude and competitive fighting spirit… Continue reading Month of the Fire Dog

Categorized as Feng Shui

Feng Shui Tip in Redfin!

I am pleased to share that my tip for good office Feng Shui has been included in Redfin’s article about office Feng Shui. When it comes to getting better results from your office remember that timely energy makes all the difference between good and great results.  To find out more, see my tip using the… Continue reading Feng Shui Tip in Redfin!

Categorized as Feng Shui

Month of the Wood Rooster

Month of the Wood Rooster September 7 – October 7The month of the Wood Rooster arrives this week bringing us to the mid point of autumn, and the metal of this season intensifies. The quality of metal is to condense and draw inward and focus. This month we leave behind the carefree nature of summer and begin to focus once more… Continue reading Month of the Wood Rooster

Categorized as Feng Shui

Month of the Wood Monkey

Month of the Wood Monkey August 7 – September 6 As we leave behind the emotional month of the Goat we must now shift our focus from our inner landscape to our outer world. The month of the Monkey invites us to roll up our sleeves and become more efficient and to get things done. The world as we… Continue reading Month of the Wood Monkey

Categorized as Feng Shui

Month of the Water Goat

July 6 – August 6 The month of the Horse has been an intense month, clashes between protestors and police, heated political rhetoric, and heated emotions brought out into the open. The month of the Goat may be less noisy but it won’t be less emotional. Instead of public airing of emotions and grievances, many will find this month to be more introspective and unusual.… Continue reading Month of the Water Goat

Month of the Water Horse

June 5 – July 5 The month of the Horse is galloping in bringing with it two opposing energies of Fire and Water. It is also the Month that clashes the Rat year which means the energy will at best be unsettled and oppositional and chaotic at worst. Imagine if you will the reaction caused by putting water on a fire with… Continue reading Month of the Water Horse

Categorized as Feng Shui