Salt Cure

As Feng Shui consultants we recommend not working or sleeping in the sector of the home or office where the annual 5 Yellow resides.  Activating the negative energy of the 5 Yellow with frequent use can have poor outcomes for health and finances.  Sometimes unfortunately, avoiding the sector with the 5 yellow is not possible,… Continue reading Salt Cure

Rabbit Month Forecast: Welcome Spring!

Metal Rabbit Month March 5 – April 3 In the Chinese Solar calendar, the year is divided into 12 months which correspond to the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac, and each month is comprised of two “seasons”.  The first season of the Rabbit month is called “The Awakening of Worms” and the second season is called “Spring Equinox” to mark… Continue reading Rabbit Month Forecast: Welcome Spring!

Chinese Animal Sign Horoscopes for the Fire Monkey Year!

  My forecast for the Fire Monkey year was getting pretty long so I am trying something new, namely giving my readers dessert first by releasing the Chinese Year Animal Sign Horoscopes before the annual forecast and Annual Feng Shui information which are the meat and potatoes so to speak of my annual forecast.  If… Continue reading Chinese Animal Sign Horoscopes for the Fire Monkey Year!