Month of the Earth Monkey: Clash of the Titans

Month of the Earth Monkey

August 8 – September 7
With the arrival of the Earth Monkey month, we reached the mid-point of the year and also the month which clashes the year. The month that clashes the year sign always brings changes, challenges, and some upheaval but the clash between the Tiger and the Monkey is a particularly noisy and physical clash. When you know that one image of the Water Tiger pillar is a crocodile, the clash of Godzilla and King Kong provide a very good illustration of the energy of this particular month.

Not only are metal and wood a more physical clash than other signs but this month also brings the extinction of Fire which is so needed this year. The loss of fire brings a feeling of pessimism and fear generally and this translates into a loss of consumer sentiment and optimism which may further rattle economic markets worldwide. One need only look at the banking challenges in China to see that we are on the verge of some very tough economic conditions. The dominance of the Metal and Water elements for the remainder of the year also spells continued inflation, more surges of Covid illness, and a general sense of fear and uncertainty. 

You certainly don’t need me to tell you we are living in difficult times, one need only turn on the news to see that. However, despite the unsettling clash energy there are still opportunities and silver linings to be found.

Clashes generally bring things to the surface and out into the open so this month may also bring fresh revelations and new information. Possibly even in the field of technological breakthroughs or insights.  Personally it could be a great month to do some inner work to mine within yourself for new insights or to physically purge what no longer serves you. Challenge yourself to look inside and see what you find and don’t be afraid to shake things up!

The Earth Monkey is also a scholarly star and perhaps the clash this month will motivate you to learn something new or to express your creative and artistic side more openly. It is also a great reminder that folks with a Tiger in your chart you still have 6 months left to activate the annual Intelligence Star by learning something new and this scholarly month would be a great month to begin or commit to a new course – there’s no time the like present.
The hexagram this month #59 
Dispersing, is comprised of the wind trigram over the water trigram illustrating how nature uses the warm spring breeze to slowly melt cold winter ice. It offers a metaphor and advice on how to best disarm challenging situations and how to disperse hard attitudes or even clashes with others through soft and gentle persistency. This will be a volatile and dramatic month and rather than wade into the conflicts around you it would be far better to use a more gentle approach. This month don’t look to battle your way to the result you want but rather use a delicate touch, and persistent persuasion which will be more effective in this turbulent climate.

Stay safe and healthy this month, and if you want a fun rainy day activity you can certainly get into the energy of this month by watching last year’s remake of Godzilla vs. Kong!

For those who would like individualized support, or a mid-year check in, you may now book a one-on-one session with me directly using my new booking portal: