Month of the Earth Tiger – Welcome Year of the Rat!

February 4 – March 4

The Lunar New Year took place on Saturday, January 25, and February 4, is the Solar New Year which marks the beginning of the Tiger month as well as the official energetic start of the Year of the Metal Rat. It’s a new month and a new year with new energy full of possibilities!

This Tiger month is the Earth Tiger pillar whose imagery is of tall mountains covered by lush greenery like the mountains of Machu Picchu or the beautiful and spiritual ‘Praying Palms’ mountain formation in China shown in the image above. This pillar is beautiful, majestic, and like the mountains of Machu Picchu even a little mysterious.

The hexagram for this month is number #55 Abundance and is comprised of Thunder over Fire. As Thunder is Early Heaven fire this hexagram shows us the strength and brilliance of fire doubled. This is a powerful and auspicious hexagram brining tremendous Yang energy. It also represents the sun at noon or the zenith of power. However, as we all know, when one reaches the top there is only one way to go and that is down. While it is an auspicious sign that portends great energy and strength, it comes with a warning not to let this power be used unwisely or worse to go to one’s head. It also reminds us that nothing ever lasts forever and even those at the top should be wary of toppling down. This month you can tap into the rising Yang energy that this spring season brings but you must do so with humility rather than hubris, and with the realization that energy is ephemeral and will not last. 

This month Yang energy is on the rise, there is tremendous power available to those who seize the moment and make the most of it. Wood energy is also emerging and this is the element of growth and expansion making it a great month to seize upon the energy of the new year to put your plans for this year into action, and begin taking steps toward your goals. Carpe Diem!

If you are not yet sure how the energy of this new year will impact your space or you personally based on your astrology chart now is a great time to schedule a private consult to be able to make the most of the New Year.

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