Year of the Wood Horse

Apollo-1We are just a couple of days from the Chinese New Year, the year of the Wood Horse, a year that will be very different from the preceding two years.  Though more general in nature than many of the forecasts going around this time of year, I hope my insights into the coming year  will give you a sense of what is to come.

There is a song by Florence and the Machine that I love for its upbeat and positive message and the refrain says:

The dog days are over

The dog days are done

The horses are coming

So you better run

For many the last two years have been trying and have felt like “dog days”, I know this has been true for me.  If you replace the word dog with snake you won’t find a better song to describe our transition into the year of the horse.  The lyrics give us a sense of the intensity that this year will bring.  However, to better understand where we are going it is always best to sum up and reflect upon where we have been.

The last two years have been ruled by the water element.  Water is one of the most unstable of the five elements and also the element capable of the greatest transformation which is demonstrated by its ability to change from a solid to a liquid to a gas.  These water years have been for many emotional years, marked by major changes and personal transformations.

Water can take many forms but it is always subject to the laws of gravity and cannot move of its own accord.  The path and speed of water is dependent upon metal which shapes its course, and can only ascend with the help of fire to free it from gravity and wind to carry it aloft.  In these water years many have found that the changes and transformations taking place in their lives have been catalyzed by external forces and largely controlled by them as well.

Forward momentum in the year of the snake has also been characterized by this elusive animal.  The snake is not easy to pin down and cautious as well.  While some progress has been made over the last year it has been much like the snake who moves sideways more than directly forward. For many this is the lateral move, the feeling of spinning ones wheels and moving without getting very far.  Our feeble economy is a great example of this kind of movement.

This past year has been one of transition but the good news is that with the shift into the wood horse year it will now be possible for insights and ideas germinated during this year of introspection to bud and begin to grow as we move forward once again.

The element for this coming year is wood.  When we consider how wood behaves in nature we can see that it ascends to great heights straight and tall, defying gravity.  It can move of its own volition and often with great tenacity – think of tall pines growing impossibly from cliff faces.  Wood energy symbolizes productivity and growth so forward momentum and strength will be hallmarks of this year.  Like tree branches we will be able to stretch our limbs and reach up for the stars.

The new year will also be influenced by the character of the horse a majestic and noble creature who has given both power and assistance to mankind for millennia.  Horses have been and continue to be a symbol of wealth and power, by harnessing this energy we are able to be more productive.  We can tune into this stamina to accomplish more and in so doing we will be able to generate wealth.  In contrast to the snake, the horse is bold and direct in its movement and we too will be able to move swiftly and towards our goals.

What the horse is most symbolic of however is travel. For thousands of years the horse has helped mankind traverse great distances with great speed – even today our engines are described in terms of ‘horse power’.  Whether it be for work or for pleasure this will also be a good year for travel and exploration.

Sideways movements and transformations are giving way now as the wood element, fed by last year’s water, begins to grow.  In general, the year of the wood horse is going to be a fast paced, horse race of a year.  This will be a year of moving boldly forward with plenty of fuel to fire our productivity and tackle new projects and ventures birthed during the introspection of the water years.  You will be working hard or moving fast so be sure not to burn out and set aside time for a vacation get-away.  Hang on tight and enjoy the ride!

Can you hear the horses?

‘Cause here they come!

*The horse featured at the top of this article is the work of sculptor Heather Jansch. You can see more of her captivating sculptures and purchase images on her website: